I am going to try these Cinnamon Rolls with Sugar Free Glaze again using more dough and not rolling the dough so thin.  I showed these 1 point cinnamon rolls on Instagram yesterday morning and a dozen people sent me their pics of these gorgeous rolls.  But, I am posting it anyway, because the glaze is amazeballs.

The only caveat of having roommates is that I am up way earlier than them, and the kitchen is right off their bedroom.  It doesn’t fail that the more I try to be quiet, the more noise I make!

For this amount of dough, that’s the amount of butter/cinnamon/sugar I use.  Next time I am going to use 3 times the amount of dough.  

Someone also suggested that I put the rolled dough into the fridge or freezer so that it is easier to cut – great idea!  Mine looked a bit fugly. 

The glaze is the best part.  Who knew that you could put Splenda, corn starch, lemon juice and water together to make a sugar free glaze?

In a food processor, add 1.5 cups Splenda, 1/4 cup corn starch, 1 tablespoon lemon juice and then up to a tablespoon of water to get the drizzle texture.

I baked these at 350 for 17 minutes.

Now are these going to taste like Ann Sathers or Cinnabons?  No, but if you have a jones for a cinnamon roll, these did the trick.

I melted a pat of butter and brushed that in the bottom of the cake pan, then placed the cake pan on top of my baking steel.  Check out that crust!

I’ve had a lot of questions about the baking steel and if the cost is worth it.  Of course, I have to say yes.  I’ve had mine for 4 years and use it all the time.  Yes, it’s $89.  But a couple weeks ago, Hannah and Jacob ordered two medium pizzas (they both like different toppings) from a local pizza place and the cost was $34 with tip to the driver.  Once you start making pizza at home, you’ll use it all the time.  I also had three baking stones break on me over repeated use – and those weren’t cheap either – around $50-$60 bucks. The steel will never break!

Skinny pizza dough cinnamon roll

Skinny Pizza Dough Cinnamon Rolls

Yield: 5
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 17 minutes
Total Time: 22 minutes

While these won't taste like Ann Sathers cinnamon rolls, these are still a low point tasty treat.


  • 6 ounces skinny pizza dough
  • 1 teaspoon + 1 pat of butter, divided and melted
  • 1 tablespoon sugar mixed with
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • For the glaze:
  • 1.5 cups no calorie Splenda
  • 1/4 cup corn starch
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice**
  • 1 tablespoon water


    Heat oven to 350.

    Roll out the dough into a rectangle.

    Melt the 1 teaspoon of butter, and brush that over the dough. Mix the sugar and cinnamon together and sprinkle that over the top.

    Cut into 10 pieces. Melt the remaining pat of butter and brush on the bottom of the pan. Place the cut cinnamon rolls in the pan, bake for 17 minutes.

    Meanwhile, in a food processor add all ingredients and whip for about 3 minutes until silky smooth. This whole glaze recipe is only 4 points. I only used 1/3 of the glaze on these 10 mini cinnamon rolls, so I am not counting the glaze. When I put this in the WW builder, each cinnamon roll bite is 1 smart point.


My skinny pizza dough can be found here: n juice in the glaze, taste it, and add more if you want. I loved the tablespoon though. 😀

Did you make this recipe?

Please leave a comment on the blog or share a photo on Instagram

So it’s almost the reverse of a Pinterest fail – someone took what I made and made it so much better!  Check these out!

And these!   Practice makes perfect – so I’ll get back to practicing on these.

I went to the thrift store on Saturday – I found this hat and I am kind of pissed I didn’t buy it – can you imagine me wearing that downtown?!  Maybe then I’d get on the news – ha!

Saturday was also my Saturweigh – and I was down 1.8!  Due in part because #wwdryjanuary, but seriously, I knew I was going to have a high point day on Cooking Club night, and I adjusted.  And it worked!  Another thing I did this weekend which is always the key to my success on the scale – don’t treat the weekend like a free for all.  I can’t tell you how many weeks I’d have an on track week, only to eat like shit on the weekends and erase all the good I did the previous five days.

It’s what I call the hamster wheel and until you learn that you can’t do whatever you want on the weekends, you’ll continue to be on the hamster wheel of gaining one, losing one, etc.

It was the perfect mix of productive and relaxing.  I still have my cough – I was hoping to spend time with my Mom over the weekend before her trip to Thailand, but I didn’t want to get her sick.  I am so excited for her!

She was supposed to take this trip four years ago, but my husband died, and while I told her that he would have wanted her to go, she canceled her trip and stayed with me.  I will forever be grateful to you Mom for that.  Love you!

And just like that, we are back to Monday.  But I feel good about the week.  I’ve planned my meals, and I am going to attempt to go back to the gym this week – another part of my 2019 mantra #wasteless – use the gym membership I am actually paying for!

Happy Monday friends – make it a great day!  And if you have any tips on making pretty cinnamon rolls, I am all ears!