If you’ve been following along for a week, a month, a year or all ten years I’ve had this blog, then you know I love cheese.  All the cheese – goat cheese, mozzarella, ricotta, burrata – the list goes on.  I am pretty sure there isn’t a cheese I don’t love.

So I was THRILLED when Alouette Cheese reached out to me and asked if I wouldn’t mind doing a Thanksgiving Holiday giveaway.  The giveaway is on Instagram, but I wanted to share the recipe that I made with their Garlic and Herb cheese spread here.  These quiche tarts are so good – and only 4 smart points each!

The garlic and herbs in this spreadable cheese was amazing, and Hannah and I may or may not have almost eaten the rest of the tub of cheese while I was making these quiches.


I bake these on a cookie sheet, just in case there is any spillage. šŸ˜€

These would be perfect for the day after Thanksgiving.   You can prep them the night before, place on parchment paper and have everyone one custom make their own fillings.  Then you can just wake up, throw them in the oven, serve with fresh fruit and breakfast is served.

Let me know if you make these – I’d love to know what you think!  And I won’t be offended if you add onions.  

Happy Monday – make it a great day!

(Alouette provided me the products to make this recipe, but all opinions are my own.