I did something that I haven’t done on a holiday in a really long time – I started it out at the gym!  I know, I could hardly believe it myself.  The kadults and I didn’t really work out our holiday meal plan until . . . yesterday morning.  I knew my proteins were going to be whole slow cooked chicken and a bone in tomahawk ribeye, but other than that, I had no idea.

You see Jacob and Hannah are back doing keto – as well as Jacob’s Mom who was going to be one of our guests.  My Mom was bringing a corn and black bean side salad with avocado creama which was delicious.  Jacob’s Mom brought a giant delicious fruit salad that she marinated in a bit of agave syrup and lime juice and lime zest.  I didn’t have the heart to tell her that wasn’t keto friendly, because it’s an amazeball fruit salad.

After the gym I went to Mariano’s to pick up my proteins.  They put in the wrong code for my cowboy ribeye, and when I heard the total of my groceries I was like “hold up!”  I then realized they charged me for whole beef tenderloin, not the cowboy tomahawk ribeye that was $10 a pound (not $25!).  The meat manager could not have been nicer.  Not only did he refund the $61.48, he only charged me $10 bucks for the nearly three pound steak – score!

My Mom got to my house just before one, so it was nice to not have to rush getting back from the store, showering, etc.  How cute is my Mom holding Rummy?!  She loves my Mom so much, but my Mom doesn’t liked to get licked on the face, so it’s a constant battle, because that’s all Rummy wants to do.

I splurged and bought a Bell & Evans organic chicken.  I seasoned it with Code 3 Spices All Purpose Rescue Rub – that was it!  I cooked it in my Pit Barrel until I got an internal temperature of the breast meat of 165.  The residual heat will cook the rest of the chicken.  My chicken was done about an hour before we ate, so it was moist, tender and delicious.

That my friends is a Tomahawk Bone in Ribeye Steak.  How gorgeous is that?  I am sure my brother is throwing up in his mouth right now just looking at that.  Sorry Charlie!  I cooked this on the Pit Barrel too, and pulled it off when it reached 115 degrees and let if rest 20 minutes before Jacob’s grandpa cut it off the bone.  

Meat is all done!

It was too hot to eat outside sadly.  Everything turned out delicious.

I ate about two cups of that fruit salad. 😀

My plate:  That’s a jalapeno popper on the lower left hand side – I ate beef, and the black bean corn salad that my Mom made a special smaller batch for me with no onions (see, I am her favorite!) some beef with mushrooms, and I ate some of the breast meat of the chicken after this picture was taken.

It’s too bad no one liked the beef!

This dessert is so simple and easy, even if you don’t consider yourself a baker (like me!) this is a show stopper.   A galette is simply “a flat round cake of pastry or bread.”  I totally cheated and used already prepared pie dough.

Mix your fruit of choice with the sugar, corn starch, lemon juice, fold the edges in, brush with egg wash, sprinkle with course sugar and bake at 450 for 20 minutes.  Let cool completely.

This literally took about 2 minutes to put together.

So pretty!

I topped with some fresh grated lemon zest after it cooled, and served it with vanilla bean ice cream that also had lemon zest on it. 

This was flakey, tart, bright because of the lemon zest and will be a regular dessert I make.  You could make it seasonal too, like using apples in the fall, strawberry rhubarb in the summer.  Can’t wait to make it again.


This galette recipe is so simple and easy, even if you don’t consider yourself a baker (like me!) this is a show stopper. A galette is simply “a flat round cake of pastry or bread.” I used Splenda, so without the ice cream topping, each 1/8 of the pie is 4 smart points. #ww #weightwatchers #blueberry #galette #galetterecipes

Check out my steps for the day!  My 10k step a day challenge for July is still going strong.  

I felt really good about my food choices yesterday.  I tracked everything, including my wine, and had 36 points for the day.  It helped that I only had a 3 point breakfast and because we ate later in the afternoon, I wasn’t hungry for dinner.  I still have 13 weeklies left too!  No blue dot for the day, but I am proud of the way I handled the food.  

And thanks to everyone who checked in on me because I didn’t blog yesterday – I just started my day off and completely forgot!  Nice to know I was missed 😀  Even my Momma told me she missed my blog post – which again, proves that I am her favorite.

How was your holiday??  Happy Thursday – only two work days until the weekend.  Um, can we have every Wednesday off please?

Make it a great day!