Oh my Lerd – work has been so busy.  Every time I think I am ahead of the game, I get more worked piled on.  I work for three attorneys who all do something different, so it’s a lot of switching gears on how I do my work depending on who I am working for at the moment.  All three of my attorneys have been super busy and I don’t see it ending anytime soon. 

Luckily breakfast was quick to heat up – my roasted red pepper frittata (1) with a tablespoon of real bacon bits (1).  I had a bag of mixed fruit to go with this, but I ate it on the train ride in.

roasted red pepper frittata

I had too much to do, so ate lunch at my desk – at nearly 2:30.  I have to say that frittata held me for hours. 

I was night secretary, but no one signed up, but I had plenty of work to keep me busy until 6.  I play on our firms softball team when they are short players, and I got about six blocks away from my office on the way to the game, when one of the attorneys called me to say that the game got cancelled because of rain.  I looked at my watch and I had exactly 14 minutes to make my train, and I made it by 30 seconds before having to wait a whole hour for the next one.  #winning

I basically had only 4 points throughout the day, so when I saw that I had pizza dough in the fridge, the decision was made.  I just started pulling stuff out of the fridge – roasted red peppers, corn, bacon bits, baby spinach, and lite mozzarella cheese.  This dough is my skinny pizza dough – so good.

The dough ends up being a point an ounce – so I used five ounces of dough (5), pizza sauce (1), bacon bits (1) and two ounces of the mozzarella cheese (2).  Topped with Tapatio and I also top with a bit of Chobani for a sour cream tanginess.  I ate every bite!

My Bizzy Kitchen Skinny Pizza Dough

Of course, since I used my baking steel, my crust is perfect.  I get asked all the time on Instagram which one I have, and it’s this one.  I got it from my Mom, Hannah and Jacob one Christmas and while its pricey at $89, have you ever bought pizza for a party before?  You’d easily spend that if not more.  

Just listen to that crust!

And because I had the Chobani out, I had to let Roman and Rummy have some – Roman loves it – Rummy thought it was whipped cream so she was bummed and didn’t want any.


Can we talk about baba ganoush?  I never even had it before until I had some at Olive Mediterranean near my office.  I always thought that baba ganoush was a chunky egg plant dish so I always gave it the stink eye without even knowing.  Since I was meal prepping on my grill last week, I decided to grill the egg plant.  I just cut in half, rubbed with a bit of olive oil and cooked it for about 20 minutes off heat, then a couple minutes over the coals.

Once cooled, the skin just peeled back.  I made my siri voice on my phone an Australian male voice – I wasn’t sure if I could just puree the skin with everything, so I asked my phone “can I eat the skin of eggplants?” and in an Australian accent it said “no Biz, you can’t eat eggplant skin.”  Good to know!  I love this dip – its garlicky, a bit tart from the lemon juice and just a hint of spice.


My brother Charlie, my SIL Laura, my nieces Rachel and Sarah and her husband Jon are coming into town this weekend.  I can’t remember the last time my brother was in town for Mother’s Day so it will be nice for my Momma to have ALL of her kids and ALL of her grandkids and their spouses at the same time.

There will be lots of laughing, I know that for sure.

Alright, gearing up for another busy day at work.  Happy Thursday friends – make it a great day!