Be sure to scroll down for my buffalo chicken pizza – it’s so delicious!  This recipe uses my viral skinny pizza dough recipe.

I hope you make a batch of these biscuits this weekend.  They are so good!  And I also thought that if I drizzled the top with just a touch of brown sugar and put it under the broiler and making a strawberry shortcake dessert with strawberries and whip cream.  Yum!

Breakfast was on repeat, but I was busy so just clicked a picture at my desk.  4 points for the biscuits and 1 point for the cheese.

It was near 40 degrees so my sister and I took full advantage of walking outside.  

We walked to Mariano’s just East of Michigan Avenue, and while I wanted to buy all.the.things, I knew that I had leftover chicken and waffles waiting for me.  2 points for the waffle, the chicken was zero and 1 point for the sugar free pancake syrup.  So filling for only 3 points!

Oh, I forgot to mention, I did make my sister buy me a $1.65 of homemade chips from Mariano’s because they are so good.  Well, I ate them all on the train ride home for 9 points.  Now I remember why I don’t buy them – so good!

I misspoke in this video on my Instastory last night and got so many DM’s – how many points for the dough??!!

This is my skinny pizza dough – same 2 ingredient dough that’s going around, except I use regular flour.  And when I say regular flour, I just mean straight up all-purpose flour, which is 6 points per half cup.  If you use Gold Medal brand self-rising flour, that is 5 points for 1/2 cup of flour.

I made a whole batch, which is 2 cups of flour – or 6 points for one quarter of the dough.  Not 1/6th like I say in the video – oops!

I cooked chicken breasts about 75% through over the weekend and really needed to use the last of it.  I sliced it thin and microwaved it for just 30 seconds and then it would finish cooking in the oven.  It was a bit more raw than other pieces I had earlier in the week.

The base of the sauce is Whataburger Buffalo Sauce, and I am almost out and need to get more – thanks Joe and Lizz!  It’s only 20 calories, so I am not counting that.  Topped with the chicken . . .

Then topped with mixed greens . . .

And 1/3 cup of my store brand fine shredded Italian cheese, which scanned at 4 points.  My mouth is drooling just thinking about this buffalo chicken pizza!

Check out the goodness of this pizza!  Once it came out of the oven, I let it cool a bit, then topped it with chopped celery (including the leafy tops) and a tablespoon of Bolthouse Farms ranch dressing – again, only 20 calories for the ranch, so I am not counting a full point for that.  I am a point rebel!


You’ll note that I made this dough last night, so it didn’t rise at all, but the yeast still gives it the extra flavor that was missing from the straight flour/yogurt combo.  Oh, and even if you don’t add the yeast, add salt to your 2 ingredient dough – it will make all the difference!

Oh, and in case you are wondering, I ate the whole thing.  


This dough can stay in your fridge for days, and I’ve said it before but it’s worth repeating that this dough only gets better with time.  I’ve calculated the points to be 1 point per ounce of dough – so pull off as much as you need – make one calzone at a time, make a few bagels, empanadas or a hand pie!  The possibilities are endless.

We made it to Friday!  It’s supposed to be near 50 today and tomorrow before the bottom drops out, so I plan on getting a lot of steps in this weekend.

I’ll be tweaking the chick pea brownies this weekend and will post those next week – so good!  

Make it a great day!