My train was delayed yesterday because of mechanical problems.  It was the first day back for my one boss who’s been on vacation for two weeks, and I thought for sure it was going to be a crazy busy day, so I took the early train.  Well, I got on the platform to catch my train at 7:05 and didn’t sit down to my desk until 9:30.  But, it all worked out.  Turns out my boss eased through his inbox throughout the day and it was steady busy, but not crazy busy.  Just sucked that I had to make up the time and work until 5:30 though. Sad smile

I didn’t eat breakfast until nearly 10!  An oldie but a good, light English muffin (2), egg whites (1), deli ham (1), and 1/2 ounce provolone (2).

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Before I knew it, it was time to meet up with my sister for our walk.   Before the summer is out we keep telling each other we are going to hang out on the River Walk after work.  This would look so pretty at night.

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I realized I never posted my newes version of my chicken tikka masala that I made last weekend.  I cheated and used an old picture from my blog when I posted my lunch on Instagram yesterday because my actual dish was in the plastic container below. 

  1. 12 ounces chicken, cut into bite sized pieces
  2. 2 cups jarred pasta sauce
  3. 1 teaspoot hot curry powder
  4. 1/4 teaspoon nutmeg
  5. 1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
  6. 1 teaspoon cumin
  7. 1/2 teaspoon paprika
  8. 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  9. 1 teaspoon fresh grated ginger
  10. 4 dried chiles
  11. 1/2 cup coconut milk
  1. Start by cooking rice according to package directions, if using. In a cast iron on non-stick skillet, add all the seasonings except for the ginger and chiles. Cook for 1 minute. Add in the chicken and coat the chicken with the seasoning and cook for another 30 seconds.
  2. Add the jarred pasta sauce, the grated ginger and dried chiles and simmer for 10 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through. Remove from the heat and stir in the coconut milk.
  3. Serve over rice with steamed veggies.


1/2 cup of the sauce and 4 ounces of chicken is 5 smart points – I paired my lunch with spinach and mushroom rice for an extra 5 points, so lunch came in at 10 points.  This may be a Whole 30 compliant dish too!  I’ll have to ask my friend Ashley and I’ll get back to you on that 😀

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I had Day 8 of Insanity when I got home, and since I had to stay 30 minutes late and wouldn’t be eating dinner until 8:00 or 8:30, made a vanilla Premier Protein iced coffee drink.  I poured myself a cup of coffee around 3:00 and just let it get to room temp and drank this at 5:15.  Um, turns out trying to take a picture and pouring proved to be a bit difficult!  

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Day 8 of Insanity complete!  It was the one with the football drills and sprints, one of my favorites.  But I realized after I worked out, knowing I was still going to go to Planet Fitness after dinner, that the giant pork chop I had on my menu was going to be too heavy.  I was still a bit full from the protein shake, but knew I needed to refuel for the gym.

I looked over at my fruit bowl and saw a lone sweet potato that needed to be used up, and suddenly sweet potato toast seemed like a great idea.  If you’ve never made sweet potato toast, you are missing out!  I made two sweet and two savory:  two had Canadian bacon and a Pam fried egg (4), the sweet ones had 2 tablespoons of chocolate PB2 (1) and blueberries and strawberries.  The sweet potato (3.5 ounces) was 3 points, so this whole plate came in at 8 smart points.

I just sliced the sweet potato and toasted it three cycles through the toaster until the sweet potato was fork tender.

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I biked 8 miles in 35 minutes while watching Netflix.  

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They also have this “cross fit” section (my friend Jody will be happy to hear this!) – I wasn’t exactly sure how the circuit worked (I have to make an appointment with a trainer which is free with membership) but I’ve always wanted to do these ropes that I’ve seen on Biggest Loser.  

Um, holy balls is that hard!  I did five minutes – 30 seconds on, 30 seconds rest, and my arms were jelly by the end.

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I was home by 10:30 and in bed by 11:15.  I know some people can’t contemplate working out at night, but I somehow have more energy at night.  Plus I have the hour train ride home to “rest” before I get home, so that helps.

Happy August 1st!  It will be Halloween before we know it 😛  Make it a great day!