I couldn’t think of a blog title, so that’s what I am going with. Here’s the deal. IF, I get offered a job at what I would consider my dream job, um, turns out the pay is just over minimum wage. I wish I were kidding. Granted, there would be tip shares that are pretty generous, which would up my pay, but that fluctuates month to month. There are some awesome perks though that I can’t get into just yet, because I still don’t want to jinx myself, but if I took this job, I’d still be eating into my savings a lot each and every month, and eventually that money will run out, so I am torn on what to do. Part of me thinks if I get this next job it might lead to bigger and better things, but I like eating things like steak and shrimp and not sure the blog would like 365 days of how to eat Ramen soup.
I am not going to think about it, until I have a decision to make, but just wanted to throw that out there. But thank you for sending your positive vibes my way!
I did my usual staggered breakfast/lunch/dinner since it was a market day. It was hot – 92 degrees. You know you sweat a lot when you drink five bottles of water during a 4 hour market and you don’t ever have to go to the bathroom!
Breakfast was a Bay’s sourdough English muffin (I puffy heart these! – 4 points) an egg/egg white spinach scramble (2) with 1/2 ounce Cabot cheese (2) and topped with chopped crisp bacon (2).
I brought a roast beef wrap for lunch with 1/2 ounce Cabot cheese, baby spinach, then added our signature mild sauce that I love and sell so much. It doesn’t matter how many containers I bring to any market, I sell out of them all. Yesterday I brought 14 and was sold out within the first hour and a half. Not only is it great on burgers or wraps, its great as a salad dressing, drizzled over grilled shrimp or grilled veggies. It’s a roasted red pepper coulis – not spicy, just really flavorful. I ended up eating lunch around 5:00. With veggie sticks and a banana, lunch came in at 8 points.
The market went well yesterday – just $16 shy of $1,000, which is good for that size market. Although around 6:30 we heard all these fire engines and I saw smoke, but couldn’t tell exactly where it was coming from. As I was walking back to my car after the market ended, I could see that they had roped off the parking lot I was parked in. Apparently an electric utility wire in the alley behind the market somehow broke off into a dumpster causing a fire. Not only that, all the businesses on that side of the street lost power.
I was delayed about 15 minutes – the firemen wanted to make sure the road was safe before we went to our cars. So I didn’t get back to the shop until 8:20, and then by the time I unloaded and drove all the way home, it was nearly 10 p.m. And I was really hungry. I ate a sliced apple on the drive back home, but I seriously wanted to just stop at each and every fast food place I drove by. But I knew I had leftovers from our taco fiesta night from last Friday. It was worth the wait! I made Pam fried tacos – 3 corn tortillas (4) 3 ounces of chicken (2) 1/2 ounce Cabot cheese (2) guacamole and black bean corn salsa (2) topped with coleslaw mix and lots of Tapatio hot sauce.
I didn’t go to bed until nearly midnight – I need to stop doing that, even though I can sleep in. But I am not into Season 3 of Grey’s Anatomy – I am hooked!
The dogs have been sleeping with me the last few nights and it’s so cute. Although they start out all cute and cuddly like this, before I know it Rummy is all stretched out on one side of the bed. The last two mornings I’ve woken up to 1/4 of the bed and the dogs have taken over the other 3/4 of the bed.
It’s going to be another hot one today but no chance of rain, so I am happy about that. I’ll take heat over storms any day of the week. Hannah is home this morning so I think breakfast pizza is on the menu.
Make it a great day!
A couple thoughts: will you learn something in this new job that you can use in the future? Is it an investment in your future? Does this feel like a stepping stone to something bigger?
It definitely would be an investment in my future – I like how you worded that – thank you!
That is a dilemma Biz and a choice you have to make yourself. I have no wise words for you in this. If it’s your dream job you should consider to give it a try or wait for another dream job, but who guarantees you get paid more then. I agree with the others that starting your own business is still something to look into, you would be great at it.
Thank you for your faith in my abilities! 😀
It’s hard to say. A dream job that won’t be enough to pay your bills in the long run is hard. Not sure how much you can rely on tips in retail, especially January through about June.
If you would burn through your savings with this as a dream job, could you instead use your savings and start something of your own? A food truck or something like that. You obviously have the selling/people gene. If it doesn’t work, you can then do something like the retail, but if you have a chance to try something, now would be the time.
Maybe there is something you can work out with your current market job to create something like that in a partnership?
I wish it would be easy to just work for myself, but just starting a food truck is $150,000 minimum. And with all the rules and regulations, I am not sure I could handle that. I am contemplating working two jobs, which would be worth it to me to do something that I love to do – I’ll keep you posted 😀
You will make the right decision, just follow your gut instincts. Can’t wait to hear all about it!
Thanks M.J. – I know if Tony were here he would tell me to go for it!
My two cents…..I work driving bus, this you know. I also drive special needs that pays 1/2 the wage of the bus but I love it. Yes we all need to make money to pay the bills but don’t go do a job you don’t like because you “like stuff”. Go with your heart and remember, nothing is permanent, you can always change your mind with good notice.
Thanks for the advice Julie! 😀
Do you want my 2 cents worth??? You got lots of good advise above with all the comments from blog friends, that is for sure. I think if I found my “dream job” I would go for it….don’t let $$$$ stop you from being happy. And, where there is a will there is a way, I am sure you would find other ways to make that extra $$$$. You do have Hannah and Jacob living with you, so I am sure they would help a bit with bills, food and such.
I would rather work at a job that I enjoy, the pay, tips and perks would be worth it to me. But working at a job that I dislike would be drudgery (and I have worked at jobs that I disliked…I did not last long) And then there were a few jobs I enjoyed, the pay was low but the benefits were great. But it is your choice.
If people did not take leaps of faith where would we be today….maybe America would never have been discovered when it did, planes would not fly, no cars driving down the roads, buildings built, rockets to the moon, pioneers going out west, people coming to America. It all took guts and leaps of faith.
You mentioned there would be “tip shares that are pretty generous and awesome perks” that alone would be worth it to me. You are creative, you’d be able to make lots of different “ramen soup” recipes with no problem finding lots of good buys at your store to add. Don’t forget your income from your blog too.
So there you have it….my comment for the day, take it or leave it, it’s just worth 2 cents anyways. Have a good one…keep looking up Biz…..better days are coming.
Thank you for your 2 cents of advice – it is so appreciated!
Follow your heart Biz. I think it’s difficult to speak for anyone else when it comes to finances. Is there a way to accept this new offer should it come to fruition and continue with the farmer’s market once or twice a week for extra money? Or selling things you no longer need or want online? There might be a way to supplement the lower salary so you can have the best of both worlds.
I was just listening to a podcast and the woman drives home the point that you never know unless you ask so maybe ask for more money or even just find out if there is the possibility of more down the road.
I hope it all works out for you Biz!!
You and I have the same thought – working part time with the farmers market to make ends meet if I am offered this position – I’ll keep you posted!
Good vibes – no advice, as I hate working. 😉
Ha! Love it 😀
I wish you the best, but in my opinion, a dream job includes a good salary. Otherwise it’s a hobby.
Thanks Jill – I agree to some extent, but I have to realize I am jumping from one career where I had 25 years experience to a completely different one where I have hardly any experience. Time will tell! 😀
Oh, tough one! If it really is a dream job, why not take a leap of faith, try it for a bit….see how it goes, see what it leads to and go from there. The fact the money is crap really does suck, but sometimes, one step back will allow you to take three steps forward down the line. Tough one though!! Keep us posted.
I like your thinking Roz – one step back could take me three steps forward! 😀
I still think you should start your own business- if you have to get into your savings anyway why not do it while starting a business? Also, my 20 year old nephew busses tables at a local restaurant- he makes minimum wage and nightly tips he shares with the servers- sometimes $75 in tips on a weeekend night plus his payroll check. He is just a kid living at home! No way would I work my tail off for someone else and make so little. Take a chance! Cater meals for friends, network, get your business cards made.
Thanks for cheering me on Nan! 😀
Well, here are my two cents regarding your dilemma. If it’s your dream job, I think you’ll have to go for it if given the chance! You could always try it out for a while and see how it’ll all work out with tips, etc. Anyway, I’m all excited for you and hope it’ll work out!!! 🙂
Thanks Andrea – you are right, if it doesn’t work out, there is always a Plan B (or Plan C!)
Well…good luck. I think. I don’t know what to think! I think this is why people work at jobs they don’t like. It’s a struggle to think about jobs that don’t pay enough to let you keep a roof over your head AND eat, you know?
Yep – turns out I have champagne taste on what will be a Bud Light budget 😛
Does it pay more than you are making now? Any benefits? I’ve always heard that it is easier to find a job when you have a job. It sounds like it might better position you for a future “dream” job. Whatever your decision, I hope it turns out well.
It does not pay more, but the perks are worth it – and after 90 days I’ll have insurance. I’ll keep you posted!
Hi Biz…new opportunities are so exciting. I’m happy for you. All I can say is this….Chris and I have been paying off all our debt over the past 3 years, and now we’re chiseling away at things in our house that are not absolute necessities because we are determined to open our restaurant. I just cancelled my cable, and that bill is going from $165 a month to $39.99 intenet only for a year. We’ve also stopped eating out…except for about once or twice a month. But, I’m not looking at this as any sort of deprivation. I’m considering it an investment in our future. We’re even moving to a smaller apartment next June. I am taking a gamble on the unknown and it scares the shit out of me. But, here’s the thing….YOU already took the biggest risk quitting your office job….this is little by comparison. Take a chance and great things may come from this. And, the great thing is, if it doesn’t work for you, you can always move on to something that pays more. Food Service is a difficult career choice at any level…unless you’re Gordon Ramsey. ha ha. Best of Luck making your decisions.
Thanks for all your advice Lisa – and true, I did already take the jump into this new life – I just hope I land on my feet. 😀
Good luck making your decision should you be offered the job. I honestly have no good advice as the story of my life is working at jobs I don’t really want because of the money.
Thanks Helen – I just need to win the lottery so I can do what I want 😀
It sounds like it’s time for a pros and cons list! I hear you though, if it’s a dream, it’s a DREAM… but I would feel the same anxiety about $$ as you. Although, we both know your skillz with discount shopping and creativity in the kitchen. 🙂 Just putting that out there.
Thanks Carrie – and yes, I know how to eat on a budget if I have to – just wish I didn’t like steak and scallops instead of ramen noodles 😀