I have to admit that I was so sad that I had to set my alarm last night.  I was getting used to waking up whenever I wanted to!  Tony and I had a great weekend.  It was nice coming home from vacation and still having the weekend before having to head back to work.

Saturday morning Tony made me his famous eggs with leftover steak, with toast with pepper jelly.

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I decided to start my second month of Insanity on Saturday.  It was called Max Interval Circuit and I nearly passed out when I started it and it was 59 minutes long!  I did about 90% of it – there are still some moves I can’t do, but I just modify the best I can and keep moving.

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We stepped out for lunch – a place neither of us had been to.  Just a hot dog/beef place, but it was good – how can you go wrong with hand cut fries!  I ate all the hot dog and 1/4 of the french fries, even though I told Tony I wanted to eat them all.  They also had this hot sauce – how did I not know about this one??  And in case you are wondering, while ketchup never belongs on a Chicago hot dog, hot sauce is perfectly acceptable. Open-mouthed smile

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Saturday afternoon we went to my SIL’s house.  She was still on vacation but we wanted to surprise her by installing a garage door opener that she bought a few months ago.  Thank goodness Tony is an engineer, because there was no way my nephew and I could have figured it out without his help.

I love my SIL’s dog Brutus.  I love tiny dogs!!  Tony thinks a 50 pound dog is a small dog, so I won’t be getting a tiny one any time soon, but I can get my fix when I visit.

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But it was hot, it took all afternoon and by the time we got home, all I wanted to do was take a shower and sit down and not move.  We ended up ordering a pizza and I really hardly moved until it was time to go to bed.

When I put in the Insanity for Month 2, Day 2, I saw that it was only 54 minutes and actually told Tony I was happy about that!  That one was called Max Interval Plyo and it was tough.  Lot’s of balancing.  Again I did 90% of it and modified the other 10%.

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We ate a late breakfast, so we didn’t have any lunch.  I bought a beef roast and grilled it – the marinade was a bit of olive oil, garlic, dijon mustard and salt and pepper.  Take your meat off at 125 for medium rare.  On the side I had some broccoli with a tablespoon of blue cheese, corn and a slice of bread.

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I froze the rest of the beef and plan on making beef sandwiches later in the week.  When the roast is frozen, you can easily slice the meat thin, then reheat it in beef broth with Italian seasoning.

Here’s a few more pics from my Virginia vacation – Happy Monday!  Make it a great day!  It’s stormy out this morning, but I think I’ll still swim indoors at lunch – I actually missed the pool!

Please let me know if you need info on the next round of the DietBet.   I think I contacted everyone, but just in case, here is the link with info . . .

Please join me for Helen’s DietBet Summer Part 2 starting on Jul 13. We are playing in a 4-week challenge to lose 4% of your starting weight. The bet is $25 and everyone who wins splits the pot. Come join the fun!  Click here to play with me:

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