Every weekend when I make my SIL’s lunches for the week, I’ve been adding a loaf of my artisan bread for my nephew each week.  In fact, when his Mom is on his way over to pick up her food, he’ll ask “make sure you bring back the bread!”

So when I got ready to make the dough for the bread, I realized I was out of regular bread flour.  Now I bake so much bread that I buy my bread at Sam’s Club for $8 for a 25 pound bag – I couldn’t believe I was out!

But, I had whole wheat white flour.  I decided to give it a go.  One thing I noticed almost immediately was how much more dense and heavy the dough was with the whole wheat flour.  It wasn’t as sticky as the regular bread flour dough.

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And it didn’t keep its crusty crust after it cooled.  But I actually liked the taste of this bread, and my boss liked it too. Open-mouthed smile

Breakfast was a ham roll up – scrambled egg white and spinach rolled in ham, topped with cheese and put under the broiler, a slice of my whole wheat toast and fruit.

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I just wanted to do an easy workout at lunch since I knew Insanity was in store for me later, so I ended up walking a half mile, jogging a half mile, and toggled between the two until I hit 2.5 miles in 40 minutes.

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While I’ve lost 7 pounds, I still don’t really see it yet, but I can tell you that my legs feel more toned – especially in the back under the butt – whatever those are called!

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Over the weekend I bought these Nature Valley bars.  I am keeping them in my bag in case I need something quick to eat after working out, instead of paying $2.50 for one bar at the gym, I bought a whole box for $2.99.

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190 calories, 10 grams of protein, 14 carbs and 5 fiber.  These are amazing – so nutty and delicious, kind of like me! Open-mouthed smile  It hit the spot after my workout, I guess my breakfast didn’t have enough staying power.

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Okay, this broccoli soup recipe could not be easier.  I love the extra spice kick of the pepper jack cheese too.

Broccoli Pepper Jack Cheese

  • 4 servings – 1.75 cups is 256 calories, 15 fat, 16 carbs, 3.6 fiber and 13.3 protein


  • 4 cups broccoli (I had two small heads)
  • 1 cup skim milk
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • 2 tablespoons butter
  • 2 tablespoons flour
  • 1/2 cup of pepper jack cheese
  • salt and pepper to taste

In a large pot, add butter and flour and cook for one minute.  Add the skim milk and slowly stir until thickened.  Add the broth and broccoli, put heat on medium low and simmer for 20 minutes, or until broccoli is tender enough to use an emersion blender.  Puree to desired consistency, stir in shredded pepper jack cheese and salt and pepper to taste.  For so few ingredients, this really had  a lot flavor going on.

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I had a flat our wrap ham, spinach, cheese, pickle and mustard roll up on the side.

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Reason 2,742 I love Tony.  He found me a giant bottle of honey at Sam’s Club!!  He had to look in four different places, but brought it home – 5 pounds for $11 dollars!  Can you think of how much granola I can make with that?!  Thanks honey!  (pun intended!)

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When I was cleaning out the freezer over the weekend I had a bag labeled “pulled pork.”  Since Tony was okay with the pork roast over the weekend, I decided to make pulled pork bbq sandwiches with Rudy’s BBQ sauce.  We are kicking ourselves for not buying 5 bottles of it when we had the chance.  Four ounces of pork, mustard, bun and 3 ounces of fries.

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It was delicious!  Although I have to say that I am looking forward to my Aunt’s pork BBQ next week.  It’s North Carolina barbecue, meaning no sauce, just vinegar, crushed red pepper and Tabasco.  Seriously, if you have an opportunity to try it, get it!

Then last night it was Day 18 of Insanity!  Pure Cardio and Cardio Abs.  I was happy that after it rained our temps dropped to the upper 60’s, so I had a nice cross breeze going while working out.  That is not a mole on my left cheek, it’s sweat!

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Stats for the Day:

  • 1662 calories, 69 fat, 180 carbs, 30.2 fiber and 92 protein
  • 43% of calories from carbs, 38% from at and 19% from protein
  • 40 minute walk/jog at lunch
  • 40 minute pure cardio Insanity
  • 15 minute cardio abs

I have a calendar at work that I’ve been tracking my workouts for the month.  I’ve logged . . .

1,155 minutes or 19.25 hours or workouts for June!!

I am in the last week of my DietBet with my friend Helen and her group.  The pot is $325 dollars, so we’ll see if I get more than my $25 dollar investment back.

In other news, my poor Momma fell at Target yesterday and broke her wrist.  She’s supposed to fly out tomorrow for vacation and when she told the orderly that she was supposed to be swimming and floating in the lake, the guy said “just ask for a swim cast!”   Hopefully she’ll still be able to leave tomorrow.  I’ll see her on Sunday in Virginia! Open-mouthed smile

Off to make some hummus for lunch – I am making like a Mediterranean tasting plate for lunch today – in my head it sounds delicious – we’ll see!  Make it a great day!