I hardly ever wear winter coats.  I figure I walk to my car, drive to work, walk into work.  That is one thing I do not miss about working downtown was having to bundle up to make the mile walk to my office after getting off the train.

Yesterday however?  It was cold.  17 degrees cold.  But I still went with just my sweater because that’s how I roll. Winking smile

I still had leftover pot roast from the night before last, so I made a shredded zucchini, shredded potato, egg white hash and had that with 2.5 ounces of the beef with a small piece of toasted naan on the side.  I nuked the meat for about 30 seconds only – just wanted to take the chill off and not overcook it – still super tender.

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I decided to take a group exercise class last night, so at lunch I just swam for 30 minutes.  The indoor pool has skylights and it was sunny yesterday and the reflection of the sun off the water was just so pretty.  Almost made me feel like I was outside!


I cleaned out my refrigerator last weekend.  I know I clean it out pretty decent every couple weeks, but somehow I had a container of yogurt that expired in August!  Ew.  I did find a head of cauliflower that I needed to use up.  My idea was to make a cauliflower soup, so I started with 4 cups of chicken broth, chopped up the cauliflower and started that going. 

And here is where things just went crazy.  I thought I could make an Indian inspired soup, so I added a cup of coconut milk and some garam masala.  The result?  Nastiness.  It was too watery, not a whole lot of flavor.  So I added a 28 ounce can of tomato puree and 2 chipotle peppers – the coconut milk was a tad too sweet for me.

The result of that?  Deliciousness.  I liked the sweet/heat combo of the coconut milk with the chipotle peppers.  I also pureed it with my stick blender.  The best though?  I made this four servings of 2 cups each – each serving is only 154 calories, 3.7 fat, 27 carbs, 7.7 fiber and 6.3 protein.  I had some naan cheese bread on the side.

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So I got to the aerobics room at my gym at 5:05.  The class started at 5:15.  It was described as being “high energy cardio with strength training using various equipment such as body bars, hand weights and Bosu.”

Now it’s been well over a year since I took a group exercise class.  And the fact that I chose one to start that was 55 minutes long – I was a bit nervous.  And the median age of the class of six women?  I would guess around 55 – including the instructor!  The others were obviously regulars.  The instructor came up and asked me “have you taken a step class before?”  I had, but the last step class I took was when I worked at Sears Corporate headquarters – and I left that job in 2005!

                          at gym  tools

I have to say, while the class was fucking hard, it went by really quick.  Just when I thought I couldn’t do anymore cardio, she’d switch it up and we’d move on to strength.  And when I thought I couldn’t do that anymore, we went back to cardio.

The hardest part?  At the end, right before the cool down, we did five one minute squats against the wall with our arms out – holy shizz, I am feeling that this morning in my quads and calves.


I survived though!  And I have to say that I really pushed myself, way harder than I probably would have on my own doing a video tape.  I am definitely going to make this class a regular, and am going to see what other classes I can squeeze in – I know they have spin classes on the weekend, which means I’ll just have to get my ass out of bed! Open-mouthed smile 

I got home an hour later than normal, but I had already made the Cincinnati chili, so all I had to do was cook up the pasta.  I had mine with 1 cup of chopped broccoli and jalapeno peppers. 

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The jalapenos weren’t spicy at all. Sad smile  But I was REALLY hungry, so this was delicious. 

My pre-workout fuel – at 3:00 p.m. I had a giant fuji apple with a teaspoon of peanut butter.  At 4:15 my blood sugar was only 160, so I ate a banana, and that worked out great.  I didn’t feel a huge drop in my blood sugar while I was working out. 

           SAMSUNG       banana

So my Skinny Snowman Tally for the Day:  70 points

  • veggie serving with every meal – 15 points
  • 3 fruit servings – 15 points
  • log food – 10 points
  • 5 positives about your day – 5 points
  1. I drank all my water using my water app as a reminder
  2. my boss is out of town on business so I got to listen to Pandora all day while I worked
  3. I cleaned out a desk drawer at work that desperately needed it
  4. I didn’t chicken out taking a group class Open-mouthed smile
  5. Tony is my biggest cheerleader – thanks Tony!
  • 64 ounces of water or more – 10 points
  • 90 minutes of exercise – 15 points

Today is my Friday!! Joe and Lizz were supposed to fly in last night, but they had trouble with their first plane due to mechanical issues, so they got stuck in Atlanta for the night.  We plan on having dinner out with them and Lizz’s parents, so I am excited about that – it’s been a long time since we’ve eaten out! Be right back

Question of the Day:  How often do you take group exercise classes? 

Make it a great day!