As seems to be our pattern lately, our weekends have consisted of just two meals.  I wasn’t very hungry Saturday morning so just had two pieces of toast.  We ran some errands, and by the time we got home at 1:30, I was hungry!

My store sells this really thin steak – a package only costs $2.19, its just over half a pound of meat and perfect for making steak tacos.  I defrosted a 100 calorie pack of guacamole on the side for dipping.

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I ended up making pot roast for dinner – I bought a roast last week and we never got around to it.  Only problem was it was frozen solid – I ended up cooking it for 3 hours at 250 degrees and it was perfect!

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That’s how it looked before going into the oven – but the time it came out it was pitch black outside and none of the pictures came out.  I made a loaf of Artisan bread on the side.   The only thing I do differently now is I bake the bread in my dutch oven.  Heat the oven with the Dutch oven at 450 degrees.  I sprinkle corn meal on the bottom of my pot, then place half the dough in the pot, then bake for 30 minutes with the lid on, then 15 minutes with the lid off.

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So when I woke up yesterday morning and saw the bread I immediately thought of French toast.  Mine is super simple.

Super Simple French Toast

  • 2 servings (without syrup) 342 calories, 7 fat, 49 carbs, 3.2 fiber and 16 protein


  • 4 slices good bread (6 ounces total)
  • 3/4 cup skim milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

Slice the bread.  Heat a non-stick pan with Pam (or butter if you want).  Beat the milk, eggs, cinnamon and vanilla.  Soak each piece of bread for 30 seconds a side.  Cook 3-4 minutes per side until golden brown.

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Since this was breakfast and lunch, I had two pieces of Jimmy Dean sausage on the side – so delicious!

I ended up meeting my Mom at the church she was performing at.  Thank God for GPS because I had no idea where I was – I am so not familiar with the North suburbs of Chicago.  It was in Glenview, and it took me 55 minutes to get there from Cary.

The church was beautiful:


I went solo.  While Tony doesn’t usually leave the house on football Sundays, he is not a fan of music.  In fact, here is his least favorite word:


To him intermission means the concert is going to be long.  I’ll never forget the time he bought me and my sister tickets to see Alison Krauss and Union Station for our birthday one year.  The only problem was that the day of the concert was also the day my sisters son was being confirmed, so Tony had to go with me.

I’ll never forget when I came out of the bathroom at intermission and he had like six drinks stacked in a row!  Thanks again for going with me that time honey! Open-mouthed smile

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The concert was beautiful.  I am pissed I didn’t bring my good camera or even my old point and shoot – my phone pictures suck.  You did a great job Momma!

Afterwards we went to The Glen to find someplace to eat.  We decided on a Thai restaurant.  And because I videotaped some of the concert, my phone battery completely died.  We split the Vietnamese spring roll – so fresh and probably the best either of us ever had.  Thanks to Google images for the next two pictures!

shrimp roll

My Mom got her usual pad thai.  Both of us declared it just okay.  In fact, it was a bit bland. Sad smile  I decided to try something completely different.  I got the Panang Curry with chicken.  It was described as having chile paste, peanut butter, coconut milk, bell pepper, lemon grass and basil.

panang curry

It came with rice on the side.  This was stellar – such complex flavors and so good.  I did kick it up with a little sriracha that was on the table.  I am definitely going to have to recreate this one at home.  I think my SIL might like it too!

So today is the day of my mole removal surgery.  It was nice to sleep in a bit this morning!  Tony is going to be with me.  I think the whole thing only lasts 30 minutes, so hopefully it won’t be too bad.

Hope you all had a great weekend, and have a great Monday!

AND HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY FIL CARL!  Hope you have a great day. 😀