My uncle passed away yesterday.  He’s been sick for nearly a year, but it was still hard to hear.  He’s actually my Aunt’s third husband, but they have been together for probably 27 years.  And he’s the only Great Uncle that Hannah remembers.

They have a lake house at Smith Mountain Lake in Roanoke, Virginia.  Their main home is in Richmond, so the other day my uncle said “I want to go to the lake.”  Hospice wasn’t even sure he’d make the three and a half hour drive.  But he made it!  It was his favorite place to be.

It’s funny because when Tony first met Dave I told him “my uncle was a warden in a prison.”  He expected his demeanor to be like Wilfred Brimley.  Dave was nothing like that – he walked into the restaurant when they first met, went right to Tony and kissed him on the cheek!  He was bigger than life – let’s just say the room lit up when he entered it.

I’ve spent many many summers at the lake house.  One of our favorite things to do is to put life jackets on and just float.

Hannah had a special connection with Dave, whom she called Papa.  She became his right hand man when she visited and would help Dave with the chores.  It broke my heart to tell her yesterday that he had passed away. 🙁

And I will always remember Dave as the captain of the boat!


The lake house just won’t be the same without him.  I am just hoping he found my Dad and they are splitting a Dr. Pepper. 😀

This is one of the plaques that’s on the porch at the lake house – I know my Uncle Dave did!

He wasn’t overly religious, so there will be no typical funeral.  I’ll find out today what the plans are and most likely will be in Richmond next weekend.   I probably won’t post again until Monday – I hope you all have a great weekend and give your family an extra hug this weekend! 😀