It’s my bosses birthday today, but she’s taking the day off today so I brought in bagels yesterday for the office for a birthday breakfast.  I have to say, without eggs in the middle a plain bagel doesn’t keep you full for long.  I had a sesame bagel with about 2 teaspoons of light veggie cream cheese.

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I was totally looking forward to biking or walking, but my blood sugar was just not cooperating.  It was only 128 when it was time to go, and I only gave myself half the amount of insulin at breakfast time. Sad smile

I used the last of the leftover chicken from our grill last Friday at work and made a corn tortilla quesadilla in our work toaster oven.  I mixed the chicken with a bit of my grilled cherry salsa and had some cheddar cheese on it.  On the side was some carrots, cherries and more salsa for dipping.

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I shared some of the cherry salsa with two of my co-workers – both said it was delicious – perfect combination of sweet and heat. Open-mouthed smile  Just changing lives, on salsa at a time. Be right back

I had ground beef for dinner.  I texted Tony:  “do you want burgers, salisbury steak, tacos, or bacon wrapped meatloaf.”

His reply?  “Burgers are good.”   I wanted a different burger, so of course I knew Kevin would have a jalapeno popper burger.   Here is his burger:

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I wanted to make my burger a bit healthier, and guess what I was able to find?

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I thought I would use one of those for the cream cheese portion.  Kevin also roasted fresh jalapenos, but I used 2 tablespoons of pickled jalapenos and carrots.

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I had 93% lean meat – I measured out 5 ounces of meat and split the burgers in half.  I mixed together the cheese and jalapenos and put that layer in the middle.

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I skipped the bacon, but sliced 1/2 an ounce of super delicious cheese.  I bought this one at the Fresh Market – YOLO for cheese! Open-mouthed smile

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The finished product:

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The verdict?!  This was delicious – the pickled peppers and carrots really kicked this up, but the cheese in the middle was almost tasteless.  What I may do next time is mix the peppers with 1 ounce of real cream cheese, but this was still a great burger.

Wanna see something gross?  The other day when I was making my O Olive Oil Root beer glaze, I only ended up using half a jalapeno and half an orange.  So I threw them in the backyard.  I knew the birds and squirrels would take the oranges, which they did, but last night I went looking for the jalapeno.

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Yep, a slug from my yard was climbing all over it!

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My exercise has been so lacking this week.  Other than walking a lot downtown on Wednesday, that has been the extent of my exercise.  I don’t know why it’s so hard to get on back on track but I plan on going to the gym over the weekend to kick start my week.  So if you follow me on Facebook, you’ll see proof!

This video should give me the inspiration to get off my ass!  Hope you have a great Friday!

Biz, get off your butt! 😀