I am finally posting my White Bean Soup! I brought this to a co-worker yesterday, and it was a tad on the salty side. I think by sitting the salt rendered out of the ham, so if you make this, I suggest you eat it up in a couple days.
White Bean with Ham and Bacon
- makes 4, 1.5 cup servings: 276 calories, 6.9 fat, 26 carbs, 6.9 fiber and 27 protein
- 2 cans of drained white cannelli beans (mine totaled 2 cups when drained)
- 4 cups chicken broth
- 2 cups water
- 1 ham bone (my ham bone was leftover from last Easter
but you can buy ham hocks at the butcher – if using ham hocks, use 2 or 3 depending on size)
- 2 carrots, diced
- 2 celery stalks, diced
- 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
- 4 slices of cooked bacon
- salt and pepper to taste
Put broth and water in a stock pot and add the ham hock or ham bone. Simmer over medium low heat for about 30 minutes, or until the meat can be separated from the bone. Strain out any bits of fat. When the meat is cool enough to touch, pick of ham and add back to stock. I got 1 cup of shredded ham.
Add in canned beans, thyme, salt, pepper, carrots and celery and simmer over medium heat for 15-20 minutes, just until the carrots are tender. Serve each soup bowl with a slice of crumbled bacon. The original recipe called for 3/4 cup of half and half and then puree the mixture. I missed that step completely and am glad I did!
Can I just say I was so happy yesterday was a rest day? Even though it was a nice day outside, I feel great today. A little achy, but not too bad.
I ended up having another piece of the Paleo breakfast casserole for breakfast, with honeydew and cantaloupe and 1/2 an ounce of my bread – I need to make more bread!
I went to Target at lunch to run a couple errands. Lunch is a repeat from the day before, although I did tone done the jalapenos and diced half the amount into the chili.
When I was cleaning out my freezers last weekend, I discovered I had one small beef shank and two pieces of beef stroganoff meat. It really wasn’t enough for a meal, so I decided to use them in a pasta sauce.
There is no real recipe to this – I emptied a 28 ounce can of plum tomatoes, 4 cloves of garlic, salt, pepper and Italian seasoning to my stock pot. Used my stick blender to puree, then put the frozen meat right into the sauce and put a lid on, left it on medium low and let it cook for 2 hours. I checked it about every half hour to make sure it wasn’t burning. Then I took it out and when it was cool enough to touch, I picked off the meat, chopped it up and added it to the sauce.
The dog loved the center bone by the way!
My dinner – 1 cup chopped baby spinach on the bottom, 3/4 cup cooked pasta and about half a cup of the sauce. I threw on some diced red pepper for color, and after this pic was taken, added some crushed red pepper just to kick it up a notch.
Tony asked for garlic bread, but I am all out of good bread, so I improvised and made garlic bread out of pita bread. Um, let’s just say Tony (or me!) was a big fan of it – I ended up giving mine to the dog!
I do have a confession. I had 1 serving of tortilla chips for dipping into my chili. However, the new bag was in my desk and I found myself eating two servings before I stopped myself. I was upset that I was slipping back into the mindless eating again but before I kicked myself too hard, I was like “it was 140 calories – get over it!”
I also had my first glass of wine of the week. My measured six ounce pour was 145 calories. Tony and I enjoyed a glass while watching a cooking show that my MIL turned us on to – David Rocco’s Dolce Vita. He’s a Canadian Chef that makes Italian food exclusively. He is near the town of Florence where my FIL grew up – Tony would pause the show every once in a while to point out where his grandfather lived. I will get to Italy one day! Have you ever been there?
So with my wine and tortilla chips, I am over my calorie intake for the day, but when I added it all together it wasn’t too bad!
Stats for 4 days of 30 Bad Ass
- 1687 calories, 54 fat, 203 carbs, 15.7 fat, 66 protein
- 29% of calories were from fat
- rest day
I do find it interesting on the day I didn’t work out I ate more – I am typically hungry on the days I work out!
I have a new food blog I love that is just too fricken cute not to share: The Vegan Stoner. Check out these super cute rainbow fruit skewers she made! I think I am going to make these for my bosses breakfast birthday.
Off to do my 30 minute Classical Stretch. I think I’ll need to put leg warmers on though so I can fit into the background music!
Make it a great day!
I’m going to have to give the white bean and ham soup a try with my leftover ham on Sunday. Can’t waste all that lovely flavor. 🙂
I really hate mindless eating! At least you stopped when you did … I’ve been known to eat tons on tortilla chips, love them! The only thing better than those leg warmers would be rainbow colored ones!
Oooh, this sounds so good!
Hi Vat. Soup looks great, pasta looks great and David Rocco? Well, he’s hot. There, I said it!!!!! Have a great Thursday.
Yep, he’s a hottie. But how the hell can he eat all that pasta, olive oil and Parmesan and still be so skinny??!!
I have not been to Italy but I do like that tv show 🙂 The skewers are so cute and easy, which is perfect for me. Good job at sticking with your goals!!
My daughter and I talk about going to Italy. It probably won’t happen unless we win the lottery or some good soul leaves us money we are not expecting. It would be so much fun! 🙂
Love the rainbow fruit skewers! I see those coming to my house soon. Yes! I’m lucky enough to have lived in Italy for 3 years, about 10 years ago. DH was stationed at the embassy in Bella Roma! Yes– you haveto go, it’s wonderful, and the food’s no slouch either!
Love the leg warmers, I remember wearing them……..!
I remember wearing them with jeans – really? I have no idea what I was thinking but I know I thought I looked hot!
This soup reminds me of my mom! She was from the south and didn’t cook very often but my favorite thing she made was butter beans and ham. It sounds really similar to this soup – and I remember craving it so much I requested a big batch when I was in college…it’s all I ate for a week! Now that we don’t eat meat I’ll still make a big bowl of butter beans and go to town, minus the ham 😉
I just dicovered your blog and I love your photographs
Thanks! 😀
I’ve been waiting for this soup! It looks great and I can’t wait to try it. I think I’d skip the half and half and puree step too, it looks perfect the way it is. Leg-warmers…ha ha ha! 😉 Those fruit kebabs are great.
I made those rainbow skewers for my daughter’s preschool birthday last year and they were a hit!
Legwarmers are hawt! 😉
I love the Vegan Stoner!! There is a fantastic recipe for peanut stew on there somewhere. I made it a few months ago.
You had me sold the minute I read bacon….looks delicious!! Hope you have a great day!
Gahhhh, mindless eating is SO easy to do.
I just wrote the longest comment & then lost it. I’m too tired to retype it [sorry] with my screwed up keyboard – but it did say everything thing looks delicious and I used the word “cooties” – which Google verified as an actual word, spelled correctly.
Who knew?
Keep it up! Those are just minor, baby hiccups & I bet won’t make a bit of difference come Saturday. You’re doing just fine. Hugs my friend.
I hate when that happens! Thanks for the virtual hugs Skip! 😀
I hadn’t planned for yesterday to be my rest day, but it was and it felt great.
I’ve never been to Italy, but it’s the one place I really want to go some day 🙂
I am a sucker for pretty fruit – love those rainbow skewers!
Alright, Olivia – hope you had an awesome workout!
Love the leg warmer picture – is that Olivia Newton-John??
Those rainbow skewers would be awesome too for Claire’s end of the year picnic!
Hells yes! It was a toss up between Olivia Newton-John and Jane Fonda 😀
I do love a good bean soup! Next to tomato, my favorite kind. 🙂 Good job on not going overboard with the chips!
I made a super duper spicy chili yesterday for dinner, and thought of you! lol
Turns out I like super duper spicy! 😀
If I had a big workout the day before a day off, I will typically eat a lot that day! I always feel my body is trying to make up for the calories lost the previous day. Way to be resourceful with the meat. The dish looks great, especially with the extra red pepper.
That picture of your pasta is amazing!
Thanks Jacky – hoping you are drinking good beer in Ireland! 😀