Thank you so much for all your comments and emails yesterday regarding my Mom’s surgery.  Not to go into too much detail (because its her life, not mine!), we thought there may have been a possibility that she had cancerous polyps, but they turned out benign! 

So while she is still very tired this morning, she was much more alert than she was when we got into her room at around 9:00 p.m. last night, and during the night when they kept waking her up every 2 hours to take vitals.

I have to say though that the staff at Rush University Hospital are top notch.  Everyone was extremely nice and helpful, which made it a bit easier for me to leave her this morning.

I ended up spending the night, and coming straight to work – thank goodness for holiday traffic!  It only took me 45 minutes to drive 35 miles from Chicago to my office. 😀  But I probably got about 4 hours sleep, so I am keeping this short – I am making a fresh pot of coffee to keep me awake and get me through my bizzy work day. 😀

I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!  I probably won’t be posting again until Friday, until then I wish you good eats tomorrow and hope you spend the holiday with family and friends.  😀

