I had planned on making Marisa’s pumpkin, cranberry and apple baked oatmeal for my breakfast this week, but remembered I was out of flour.  Um, there is no flour in the recipe!  I kicked myself when I got to work and found the recipe on my desk and realized I already had everything to make it.  šŸ™

I didn’t really have a taste for anything yesterday morning, so I had a non-Biz breakfast – chicken sandwiches!  Yep.  I grilled a few chicken breasts over the weekend just to have on hand.  One breast cooked was 4 ounces, or 3 points, I had them on toasted potato rolls (4 points) and 2/3 ounce of cheddar cheese (2 pts) and get this …more spinach! šŸ˜€  On the side with grapes, breakfast comes in at 9 points.

And if you are wondering, I was almost out of Tabasco at work!  I remembered to bring my new bottle – funny thing is it says its good unil April of 2014.  Um, pretty sure I’ll refill this before December šŸ˜€

While I still have a bit of a head cold going on, I didn’t let that stop me from getting outside – it was gorgeous!  Sunny and 70.  I walked a brisk walk for 50 minutes, it felt wonderful.  How can you not get re-energized seeing this scenery?  These pics were taken on my blackberry. šŸ˜€

Again, not sure why my pictures from my blackberry look like paintings – maybe I have it on the wrong setting?  I am so not technical, but they look pretty.

Night before last I was thumbing through Cooking Light and saw a soup recipe that was not only easy, but I had everything on hand. . . including. . .spinach!  The only substitution I made was I used canned northern beans in place of the chickpeas.  This was so easy I actually made it before heading off to work. šŸ˜€

Spinach, Pasta and Pea Soup from Cooking Light October 2011

  • 1 tablespoons olive oil
  • 3 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 thinkly sliced green onions (ick)
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • 2 cups water
  • 3/4 cup uncooked orzo
  • 1 tablespoon grated lemon zest
  • 1 can chickpeas (I did northern beans)
  • 1 tablespoon fresh oregano (I used 1.5 teaspoons dried)
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 1/2 teaspoon cracked pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon salt
  • 6 ounces fresh baby spinach
  • 1/3 cup grated Parmesan cheese

Heat a large saucepan over high heat.  Add olive oil to pan, swirl to coat.  Add garlic (and onions) and saute for 3o seconds, stirring constantly.  Add broth, water and bring to a boil.  Add orzo, lemon zest and beans, cover and cook 10 minutes, or until orzo was done. (10 minutes was perfect for me).

Stir in oregano, lemon juice, salt and pepper.  Ladle 1 3/4 cups soup into four bowls, top each bowl with 4 teaspoons grated parmesan.

I have to say I am on the fence with this soup.  Even though I drained my beans, the broth had a dirty dishwater look to it, and visually it looks kinda bland.  I did kick mine up with some Tabasco, the vinegar in the Tabasco helped, but I think it needs something more, like maybe chopped roasted red peppers?  Any suggestions?  This one is going back to the drawing board – sorry Cooking Light!

 The night before last I did a deep clean of my pantry and two cupboards.  The problem is I am short, and why I was shoving stuff on the second shelf of our kitchen cabinet, I have no idea.  I also need to buy more glass containers to hold stuff so I’ll be on the lookout when I thrift.  I discovered I had the second batch of Ad Hoc Fried Chicken mix and knew I had chicken wings in the fridge.

While I was cleaning I heated up the brining liquid so it would cool by the time I went to bed and the wings could soak overnight.  Then you just rinse the wings off really well, and dip them in the flour mixture that comes with the package, dip them in buttermilk, then back in the flour mixture.  On the side I made simple mashed potatoes with gravy and green beans.  For the record – I only ate one wing, and cut the meat off the bone for the dog šŸ˜€

Now I may get some slack as to “why is she frying her food” it’s not healthy.  People, life is too short not to have fried chicken and deep dish pizza every once in a while.  I eat pretty healthy most of the time, so a couple indulgences a week makes me happy. šŸ˜€  And fried chicken makes me really happy! šŸ˜€  Dinner comes in at 10 points.

Stats for Tuesday:

  • 29 points
  • 50 minute walk
  • 100 sit-ups
  • 50 push-ups (boy pushups! – okay, I had to take a break after each set of 10 but I got them done!)
  • average blood sugar 138

Don’t worry – I have more spinach recipes!!  On tap for today?  Chicken Saagwala.  Helen, I think this is similar to a dish you make??  It’s an Indian dish with coriander, cumin, ginger and . . . SPINACH! I’ve never even heard of it before but it looks amazing!  Pretty sure Tony just threw up in his mouth with that picture and is happy that’s on my lunch menu and not his dinner menu! šŸ˜€

And go over to give Shelley some hugs after her foot surgery – I like how her dog Paco is keeping her company!  I told her if she lived anywhere near me she would be inundated with food! šŸ˜€