After having this for breakfast every day this week:

And hospital WW entrees like this one – baked ziti with steamed broccoli – 6 WW Points:
I needed real food. I spent the day with Tony – he’s super tired and unfortunately very nauseous. See that plate of ziti? I asked him if it would be okay to bring my lunch back up since he’s only been eating ice chips and he said “that’s fine.” But one whiff of that food and he felt like puking almost immediately!
I had to run my tray out of the room and finish in the hallway – poor thing! He has no appetite, which they said would take a while to come back. But can I tell you that they are thrilled that he is farting! That’s the first thing the surgeon asked him today and that’s a great sign that things are moving in the right direction – no pun intended!
We even took two laps around the common area today too. But we both quickly realized this is going to be much longer of a recovery than either one of us anticipated. It stands to reason, I mean he was in surgery for 7 1/2 hours! But I guess we thought the surgery would be the hard part.
So when at 7:00 p.m. last night (after he beat me in Wheel of Fortune – I thought I could win in his weakened state!) I told him I was going to go get something to eat, he said “go home.” He was tired, he just wanted to sleep. There was nothing I could do for him. But I couldn’t help but feel like a bad wife for not staying with him. I am going to work today, so I knew I needed the mental, physical and emotional break of just doing my normal stuff, which is being bizzy in my kitchen. 😀
I brought the Soups of the World book that Tony bought me for Valentine’s day to the hospital and pretty much read it cover to cover. Yep, I am one of those people who reads a cookbook like a novel. 😀 One of the recipes called for a cream of red kidney bean soup. I have never thought of that, and I started to think if I had all the ingredients to make it.
When I got home, I discovered I had some of the ingredients, and decided to tweak the recipe with what I had on hand. And by some, my recipe in now way resembles the original one, but it sparked the idea!
Cream of Kidney Bean soup with Sausage
319 calories, 7.6 fat, 43 carbs, 10 fiber and 21 protein = 8 PointsPlus for two cup serving
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 tablespoon butter
- 2 teaspoons minced garlic
- One 15 oz. can dark red kidney beans, undrained
- One 15 oz. can diced tomatoes (I used ones with green chiles – it’s spicy – just use plain diced tomatoes for a milder soup)
- 6 ounces sausage (polish, kielbasa, I used chicken sausage)
- 2 cups fresh chopped baby spinach
- 5 cups chicken broth
- 1 cup water
- 1/4 cup fat free half and half
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- In a stock pot, heat the olive oil and butter over medium-high heat, then add the garlic and cook about 4 minutes, just before they start to brown. Stir in the kidney beans, canned tomatoes, chicken broth, water, and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes.
- Remove from heat and using a stick blender, puree the soup.
- Cut the sausage into bite size slices and place in pureed soup and simmer just until sausage is warmed through.* Add chopped baby spinach and cook until slightly wilted, one or two minutes. Stir in half and half right before serving and season with salt and pepper.
* My chicken sausage is fully cooked – so if you use raw sausage, cook on the side separately and add it in the end.
And while this may not look that appetizing, it was comfort in a bowl. The spiced canned tomatoes bring a pretty hefty spicy kick – and the sausage is great for texture. And a soup that Tony wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole!
I am on my way to see Tony before work, then will visit him at lunch and then go there straight from work. Can I just say I am thrilled he is at a hospital not only close to our house, but five minutes from my office! When we had his knee surgery it used to take me sometimes two hours to get to him. 🙁
Don’t forget that it’s BSI – Green Beans! And a quick apology to Sara for not adding her to the BSI page until today – sorry! 🙁
My entry is my Szechwan Green Beans – which I realize is not on my Index of Recipes – I’ll fix that! (p.s. you’ll also find my recipe for crustless quiche on that post too!)
My project this weekend it to try to find a platform bed frame to make our queen size bed higher for Tony – I have no idea where to look though – any suggestions? If I could spend under $250, that would be a bonus! 😀
Happy Friday 😀
I would recommend these grey plastic block things from Target – they are like $5 each and you just put one under each corner of the bed. You can stack them (they’re very sturdy) if you need it higher. I think they add about 5-6 inches. I used them throughout college. And that way, when Tony is better you can just remove ’em. I grew to love them though because they gave me a ton of under the bed storage. (That sentence just reminded me of those commercials I see for “shoes under”, which I find hysterical.)
Oooh that soup looks comforting and extra tasty with those crackers on top. I am so sorry to hear the recovery is going to be a longer process than you first anticipated. I hope everything continues to move in the right direction 🙂
Sorry about Tony’s appetite but glad he’s farting!! Lol
That soup sounds delishhhh!!!
I was just catching up on my blog reading and I am sorry to hear about Tony but glad he is on the mend. Prayers going your way. It looks like you guys have a great attitude and are holding things together well. I have been on WW and love that program. Keep up the good work!
Great news about Tony and his progress. Sounds like it is slow road to recovery but he has such a fighting, winning, fun loving spirit and that makes a huge difference!
I too read cookbooks like novels! Cooking is a great stress reliever for me, I don’t eat when I am cooking so it is a win win!
I’m so happy to have found your blog. It’s awesome to see how a fellow diabetic is making their transformation. Your posts are so healthy – thanks! Cheers, Rick
biz, i just got your message, HORRAY!!! wonderful news indeed! after all that you guys have been through that must have been SUCH a relief.
hope you have a quick recovery tony!
Oh contrare my friend, my hair is pretty fine. Like baby fine. This cut PUMPED it up! I also tease the shit out of it. Dust It is my deep dark secret. I say do it!
My mom stacked hers up today. She even made me ride along…with bed head! Hawt!
Sorry to hear the road to recovery is slow, but I know you both will get through this because you love each other so much and can lean on each other for support. I am sure he will be back to good in no time.
Great looking soup. I love soups!
I saw your comment- hope you’re doing ok!
The soup sounds great! I love new soup recipes. Even in Florida we love having a good soup for dinner. Glad Tony is doing better and ‘farting’! lol It’s a good sign!
Hooray for farts! I never thought I would type that in my life. Ever.
I’m delighted that you dropped in at Lawn Tea, and doubly glad to see this lovely recipe—daughter Caro and I are very fond of soups, and it’s nice to see one like this. And it was fun and funny to see the garnish of little floaty Ritz—don’t you just love a bit of soggy cracker to complete a yummy soup?
Ack, I pushed the wrong button and my comment disappeared! What about these type of bed risers –
Glad to hear that Tony is doing well! He’ll be back to himself in no time!
Also glad to hear that you were able to do some cooking and relax a bit! Your soup sounds awesome! 🙂
Thinking of you guys!
This soup looks to die for. I too read cookbooks from cover to cover. And don’t be so hard on yourself. You are being a great wife and I know that Tony knows it.
Good for you for getting back into the kitchen–hopefully that will help you recover mentally as I know you’ve been through the wringer! You’re doing all you can so don’t beat yourself up when there’s nothing left to do. You have to take care of yourself so you can take care of Tony. 🙂 I have to ditto Debbi’s comment above. You’re doing great, woman. 🙂
Glad to hear Tony is doing well, although not quite himself yet, it will take some time! And I’m just like you, I ready cookbooks like novels:)
I was going to suggest the bed risers from Bed, Bath & Beyond as well. I use them because found a comforter I LOVED but all they had had was king and my bed is a full/queen. The risers make it PERFECT.
Glad Tony is doing better, but remember to take care of yourself too, because they say everyday spent in the hospital takes at least 3 to recover from, and that means caregivers too. 🙂
So glad Tony is doing well and you are hanging in there. It won’t be long and you’ll be home and cooking some wonderful soup for you and Tony.
The soup sounds great! I make a creamy chickpea soup so I know just how tasty a cream of bean soup can be. Glad Tony’s recovery is moving along (even if its a slow process) and even happier that its easy for you to get to see him (time/distance wise). Hang in there!
Sounds like Tony is doing as well as possible!! What a relief. (if farting is a good sign, my husband is one healthy guy!! OMG, did I write that???? Yes I did. Sorry Dennis…. 🙂 ) No doubt you’ve been going on adrenaline for a few days, so you’ll be pretty wiped out yourself. Soup looks like perfect comfort food. Take care of yourself ok? Sending virtual hugs to you both!!! Fart on Tony!!! PS: I read cookbooks like novels too. We’re kindred spirits!!
Recovery is always the worst part 🙁 I am so glad Tony is doing well though & it’s good you’re working at boosting his spirits! Hugs!
Yay for farting!!!
That soup looks good! I love those Red Gold tomatoes w/ chiles. I always have a can or two on hand to add into stuff for a nice little something-something in the background!
For the bed I’d suggest Amazon – for either the frame, platform, or the risers people suggested. It’s a great resource, even to just read the reviews. Plus a lot of the items have free shipping. I love them, I use them for practically everything!
So good to hear Tony is doing well! Recovery is a bitch, but with a family like you have it will make all the difference. I was going to suggest bed riser as well, since then you aren’t stuck with a new frame and they are so economical, but it looks like many other of your brilliant readers have beaten me to it! 🙂
Sometimes the most comforting thing in the world is to make something in the kitchen – it soothes when nothing else can’t. It looks like your soup turned out delicious and was just what the doctor ordered!
oh thank god for flatulence!
Soup really is the ultimate comfort food! I hope your husband heals quickly.
Glad Tony is doing better!! And since you’re taking such good care of him, I sure hope you’re taking care of yourself, too, Biz………
Glad Tony is feeling better!! The soup sounds so comforting and a perfect winter meal.
I didn’t read through all the comments, so forgive me if someone else has already suggested this, but one option instead of buying an entire new bed frame is to purchase the blocks that you can put under your current frame (where the wheels are) to raise the bed. I think you can find them at places like Bed Bath and Beyond, although my hubby just cut us some from wood we got at Home Depot. But BB&B has a few different kinds to choose from, here is a link to one:
yes, undoubtedly, recovery is always the hardest part of any surgery, really. But every day that passes is one day closer to being back to normal….still sending my prayers to you!!
Huh, and here I thought I was the only one who read cookbooks from cover to cover like a novel…lol
As for the bed, try bedbath and beyond for a set of risers….it will lift up the frame to make the bed higher….a lot of college kids use them on their beds to amp up the underbed storage space in their dorms.
Sometimes respecting the patient’s wishes is the best way of being there for them. My mom was just in the hospital, and she didn’t want any visitors, because she felt and looked like crap. My dad went down there a few times every day (seeing as we too only live about 5 – 10 min from there), but because she was still in emergency, there was really no room for visitors, and it was crazy. And it is good to get some sense of normalcy for yourself, going to work and everything 🙂
I’m not sure where to look, sorry! The soup looks delicious though – glad you got some real food into you!
Check out Ikea for the platform bed frame. Let Tony win at Wheel. Have a good weekend.
Soup is such a great comfort food! I’m really glad to hear that Tony is at a hospital close to you and your work 🙂
Good luck finding the platform bed frame, I don’t really have any suggestions as to where to find one though 🙁
<3 you both
Making soup is real comfort for me. And if it tastes good, even better… 🙂
Hope Tony is doing a bit better today. Thinking of your guys!
Glad to hear Tony is progressing!
For the bed, I would get some steel bed risers. Get the steel ones and not the cheap plastic ones, unless you *want* to go bump in the night.
They are about $50 bucks, so it shouldn’t cost you very much. Probably easiest to find different kinds at a home health aid store if none at a bed and bath store. Like the kind that has crutches and other stuff to ease mobility.
Glad Tony is progressing, Biz. I know from experience with my youngest daughter who had intestinal surgery that the hardest part is the recovery. You both are doing great 🙂
I was going to suggest the bed raisers that they sell at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I believe they come in different sizes, too!
I am so glad to read that Tony is doing better. You are not letting him down, he knows and you’ll be back. That bean soup, I don’t think a ten foot pole is long enough. 🙂
The bed, if you can’t find, afford a taller platform, bricks work and they are strudy and you can get them from the lumber yard. Just and idea for you Biz.
Take care, enjoy your day back at work and give Tony some carefully placed but well deserved hugs for us all. God bless you my friend.
Good morning. I have just started reading your blog recently when seeking new WW recipes. Anyway. I am so happy to hear how well the surgery went. About the bedframe. Bed, Bath & Beyond sells these “feet” that are to raise a bed up so you can store stuff underneath it and it might just work inexpensively with the bedframe you already have. It might be worth checking out! You are sooooo not a bad wife on any level – enough of that talk! Wishing you both a speedy recovery so he can soon be home in his own bed with you to care for each other properly! Kal
I am just thrilled about the farts. I know that is the ticket to getting discharged.
I am glad you had a little time to take care of yourself. It is amazing that that means being in the kitchen, I would avoid that kitchen like Tony would avoid that soup…w/ a 10 foot pole.
I hope your day goes smoothly.
I havent said anything but that doesnt mean I dont know – your family is in my thoughts daily –
No one could accuse you of being a bad wife by enduring hospital food and McD’s for this long AND counting the points and staying on track. Who sticks to their diet when their husband has surgury?! You so rock! Hugs!
Good Morning Sunshine! Looks like you got a good meal in you. Hope you are sleeping well. Good this is a long weekend! I hope Tony continues to improve, sounds like all is going well for him. Too bad for feeling nauseous though, that should pass soon, or it could be from the pain meds, once he walks more he will get an appetite, then he can have your good cookin again. Have a restful weekend Biz! I am off to Smith Mountain to see my folks.