Here is Tony’s comment from yesterdays post:
It’s been a long time since so many people discussed my ass.
Thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers!! I am constantly amazed how wonderful and thoughtful you all are during times like this.
This cancer picked the wrong ass to attack. I have begun eating hot foods, nuts, and bran. If this cancer thinks it can hang around enjoying itself, it is sadly mistaken! I gave the tumor the finger when I saw it outlined on the butt monitor. Soon it will be cut from me, and if I am allowed to I will spit on it.
Thank you to all of Biz’s “friends” in the blogosphere. You will never know how much it meant to her and I.
FUCK cancer!!!
I could not have said it any better honey – I love you! 😀 (and yes, I’ve been using WordPress for 2 1/2 years and just noticed the quotation marks in the tool bar!)
After seeing a couple people having savory oats recently, I realized I haven’t had them in ages. My bowl: 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 ounce cheddar cheese, 1 fried egg in Pam and lots of Frank’s hot sauce and Tabasco 😀 9 PointsPlus

Before the gym my blood sugar was 150, and I’d rather it be over 200 so I don’t bottom out. I ate two of these pears and that worked perfectly – I think these are Bosc? They never get super ripe, but are so sweet.
At the gym I did 40 minutes on the treadmill, toggling between walking at 3.5 mph for 5 minutes, then running at 4.8 mph for 5 minutes. I still have a bit of a stuffy nose, but definitely worked up a sweat. 😀 I am not liking the lunch time viewing on FoodNetwork – its Ina Garten for a solid hour and her voice sometimes puts me to sleep.
As most of the long time readers will know, Tony does not do leftovers. I was looking in my fridge and saw that I had leftover pork tenderloin. I actually got the idea for this chili off of eTools on the Weight Watcher’s website – they have a feature that you can add what you have and it will suggest recipes. I didn’t have as many beans as the original recipe, and I also added frozen corn.
This is a very mild chili – I had to seriously spice my bowl up with some Tabasco, but Tony loved it – as he can’t handle the heat! 😀
Pork and Black Bean Chili (printer friendly version here)
Course: main meals
PointsPlus™ Value: 4
Servings: 10 (1 1/4 cup each)
Preparation Time: 5 min
Cooking Time: 120 min
Level of Difficulty: Easy
1 1/4 pound(s) Pork, tenderloin, cooked
2 cup(s) canned black beans
2 clove(s) garlic clove(s), minced (medium)
12 oz cooked frozen yellow corn
4 cup(s) canned diced tomatoes
2 cup(s) water
1 tsp olive oil
3 Tbsp chili powder
1 tsp ground cumin
2 tsp cayenne pepper, (optional – leave out for mild chili)
1 tsp italian seasoning
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp table salt
Dice up leftover pork roast. Set aside.
In a large stock pot, heat oil and add garlic, worcestershire sauce, chili powder, cumin, paprika and Italian seasoning and cook until fragrant.
Pour in the two cups of water, stirring the bottom of the pot. Bring to a boil and add tomato paste, diced tomatoes, black beans and cayenne and bring to a simmer and let cook for 2 hours.
Twenty minutes before serving, stir in chopped pork and frozen corn. Season with salt and pepper. (my serving was closer to 1 3/4 cups for 7 points)

I didn’t do a full menu/meal plan this week because I really had no idea what was going to be going on with Tony. We meet with a surgeon tomorrow and will have more information then.
I had defrosted Italian sausage the night before for our stuffed peppers and needed to use that up. When I was at Whole Foods last time, I picked up two boxes of this pasta, pretty much the same stats as regular pasta – 5 points per cup.
I really liked this pasta, it didn’t taste gluten free at all. My plate: chopped mixed greens on the bottom, 1 cup pasta, 2 ounces Italian sausage (that I thought would be 3 points, but turned out to be 5 points), pasta sauce and 1/4 ounce shaved parmesan cheese. Dinner was 11 points. And just as I was taking a picture with my new camera, the battery died, so Old Blue had to step in:

Stats for Tuesday:
- 31 points
- 40 minutes on treadmill
- average blood sugar 117
Thanks again for your continued support – we appreciate it!
p.s. Don’t forget that this weeks BSI is couscous over at Dana’s Food for Thought. You have until Sunday to submit a recipe, and remember, it doesn’t have to be a recent recipe you’ve posted! I am going to submit my Quinoa Meatballs. And yes, I thought if I used red quinoa, Tony and Hannah wouldn’t notice, but they did! Um, apparently I don’t know the difference between couscous and quinoa! Ahem, this is the recipe I am submitting to BSI this week – Shrimp Salad with Honey Jalapeno Lime Dressing. It’s 11 points for a very generous serving! 😀
Off to make breakfast pizza – have a great day!
That may be the prettiest pasta I have ever seen! Very kid friendly.
I feel like I know Tony through your posts, Biz. And Tony, your comment is priceless. 🙂 I have no doubt you’ll kick cancer’s ASS!
Tony is awesome! I love his attitude and determination! 😀
That pasta looks fun!
Aw, thanks, Tony! “Ass cancer” (that made me snicker) picked the wrong folks to mess with. Pulling for you & Biz as you deal with this.
And mmmm, savory oats sound so good. Have you ever tried soy chorizo or longaniza? My husband found some soy longaniza (not Trader Joe’s – which is pretty tasty, too, but reminds me of taco meat) that scrambled very nicely into some eggs. I’m thinking it would be good in savory oats, too.
Great fight Tony!!! That tumour doesn’t stand a CHANCE!!!! Sending good thoughts to you both!!!
I literally almost peed my pants reading Tony’s comment! What a funny guy! I’m so glad that you are attacking this with humor! Love to you both!
Thinking of y’all! Love Tony’s comment abt eating hot foods and bran…too funny. and I’ve never heard of savory oats, but they look and sound delicious, can’t wait to try them!
Love that savory oats dish. Didn’t know your hubby had health issues. I do wish him, and all of you, the very best. His attitude is great, and that’s half the battle.
hahahha Tony’s comment made me bust out laughing 🙂 What a man 😉 Savory oats are so awesome. I haven’t had them in forever either- maybe tomorrow night for dinner. And I agree- Ina’s voice is very monotone and boring….but her recipes are pretty delicious
Tony, you ROCK!
Tony’s comment made me laugh out loud, for REAL. hehe 🙂
You and Tony have the right attitude…he’s gonna kick “ass” cancer’s ass! My aunt had it over ten years ago…she kicked it’s ass and my friend is currently fighting it….chemo, successful surgery (cancer free), and started round two chemo today.
bah and I suck! I didn’t even touch on tony’s comment!
He has the PERFECT outlook! I’m still giggling at the hot foods part. He’s gonna scare the cancer out of there! =) lymphoma runs RAMPANT in my family. My father, grandma and even my doggie have gotten it… but I thoroughly believe it can be beaten! my dad beat cancer and i’m pretty confident Tony will too =)
ohmygosh it looks so good! I’m dying to try that pasta now! =)
Thanks for linking up! Do you mind adding my button to your post so people know about the link party? Its the first one i’ve ever done and I desperately need to get the word out.
Thanks girl! <3 Happy Wednesday
Jenn @ Peas and Crayons
Great attitude Tony!!!! yummy looking food biz as always. Love reading about your cooking.
I nearly choked on my coffee when I read that Tony was eating nuts, bran, and spicy foods. I love it!
One day I will muss up enough courage to try savory oats. For now, I’m sticking with my brown sugar and peanut butter!
My in-laws don’t do leftovers either. Drives me bonkers! Leftovers are the best!
Tony-your attitude rocks! And…please be aware…none of us really ENJOY discussing your ass. Ha ha! But, I do think you will do just fine with your outlook. PLUS, why give that cancer only one finger? You’ve got two. Hee hee.
I love pears! Had one this am.
Ha! Tony rocks! Love it. Though, he’d hate living with us – we eat leftovers constantly!!!
Have a great day, Biz…… 🙂
That pasta looks so fun! I would probably eat more of it, just because I love how it looks. 😀
I hadn’t seen his comment – thanks for pulling it out! He is too funny. “butt monitor” I LOLed in my cube farm over that one! (people stared) I SO hope he gets to spit on it. hehe
I’m SO EXCITED about the recipes that are going to come out of that BSI – eee! Love it. Going to see if I have any couscous recipes to try on my list!
I love you guys.
Oh my gosh – I’m glad you reposted Tony’s comment!!!
Tony, you sound just as wonderful and hilarious as your wifey. No wonder you two are so happy and in love. 🙂 I hope for your sake, you can spit on it, too. FUCK CANCER! (You guys should make shirts…..I am so serious!)
My nephew (who has food allergies) has that pasta….and I agree – it’s actually pretty tasty!
You are awesome, Tony! I have no doubt that you will kick that cancer right OUT of your ass!
Well now Tony, it seems your attitude is bigger than your ass and that is a very good thing! I’m loving it 😀
Yep, I’m eating savory oats again today. I think I’ll probably be a savory oat by the end of this never ending winter. I never thought to add ham to mine and I have some chunks in the freezer that would work great for that.
Love Tony’s comment 🙂
That pasta looks super yummy!
Love the chili recipe! I laughed at Tony’s comment. You two are so cute!
I so agree about Ina! The chili looks good, my hubs doesn’t like leftovers!
Was this just Tony’s way of getting a bunch of women talking about his ass? Sheesh! Hock a big loogie on it if you can!!
I happened to read Tony’s comment yesterday and chuckled. Such a great fighting attitude!
My husband doesn’t do leftovers either. I recently started cooking a couple of times a week for my inlaws ( in their 80’s) so that is where my leftovers go…although much of the time they are intentional leftovers so I can send them something!
have a great day, Biz!
I saw that pasta at the store on Monday. I’ll have to give it a try. Are you doing gluten free stuff or just wanted something different?
To Tony’s ass: Get Well Soon. Perhaps some Ass-percreme will help? 🙂 HUGS to you guys. I love your attitudes so much. I hope I get to meet you in person one day.
Funniest comment ever – and see Tony – we are real! 😉 Here’s hoping for some good news after tomorrow’s appointment.
That pasta is so cute – I would have bought it based on that alone. Are you doing more gluten-free things because of WW or carbs or? I don’t have an issue with gluten, so I’ve never considered trying any of the alternates to traditional pasta.
I love Tony’s attitude about this situation, fuck cancer! He will kick cancer’s ass.
Ina Garten makes me fall asleep too. Ugh that voice. It lulls me to sleep instantly.
“I gave the tumor the finger” LMAO! Tony you are too funny 😀
I love the look of that pasta, I need to see if I can find it near me.
I linked to your blog yesterday – I made your Chicken Tikka Masala, only I subbed in tofu so it became Tofikken Masala! It turned out great, thanks for the recipe! Check it out if you want to
Well said Tony 🙂
I couldn’t watch Ina Garten for a whole hour either…you should e-mail Food TV and tell them to change the lunchtime lineup! Maybe put a throwdown in there with Bobby Flay!
Love you guys, I know you’ll make it through this hard time. Sorry you have ass cancer Tony!
Go Tony!! Haha, I know exactly how you must feel. Ass-cancer runs in our family, and sooo far, I’ve been able to give my own ass the finger, too. I hope you have an awesome doctor that will, in fact, let you spit on it. 😉
Be strong, guys. I have faith that you can get through this and live well. <3
Awww Tony – such a great attitude – I love it! 🙂
I’m diggin the spicy oats ham addition – that looks amazing! Those gluten free noodles look so pretty and colorful before cooking – I hate when fun looking noodles all end up looking the same after cooking! 🙂
Tony is awesome 😀 Hope u feel better Biz, i’m under the weather too, GR!
What a great comment from Tony. Your attitudes are seriously amazing!
That pasta looks like fun….a nice way to spice up dinner! 🙂
Have a great day!
I told you guys we are still laughing at the “ass cancer” jokes – because if you can’t laugh you would just cry. You guys have great attitudes and we are thinking of you, sending you our prayers and CHEERING YOU ON! Woot!
Thanks for the heads up on the pasta – I love that it is lower sodium. I miss pasta.
Please give Tony, Hannah and yourself a bit hug from me. As hard as this is right now you guys are holding it together, staying strong, leaning on each other. Keep it up and this too shall pass. Take care and have a blessed day.
I love your and Tony’s attitude toward his recovery! You two are inspirational!
The oatmeal looks delicious…. I eat oatmeal every weekday morning, but only ever have sweet versions. I will have to try out a savory one!