I have to admit, the first year I worked at the law firm I worked at now, and they said we dressed up for Halloween, in the back of my head I envisioned myself being the only one dressed in costume and everyone having a laugh on me! (Did anyone see Modern Family Wednesday night – that’s what I was thinking!) But we do dress up, and I have been a costume contest winner the last three years, so the bar is set high!
Three years ago I dressed as this cartoon – I started handing out flyers to my co-workers asking if they had seen my lost dog.
Two years ago, a co-worker and I were lesbians – and Hannah was our lesbian daughter. We even went so far as to have pictures taken of us at JC Penney using fall foliage in the background and holding pine cones. It killed! At the respect of my co-worker, I will not show the pictures, but it was really funny. We put place cards on the lunch table telling people we were going to get married and where we were registered 😀
Last year I was Julia Child – in keeping with Julie & Julia coming out. I had planned a cooking demonstration, but everyone started eating – didn’t matter – I was still a winner! 😀
And this year . . . . I am going as:
Yep! I am dressing as Paula Deen! I have butter wrappers stapled to a blue oxford. I plan on wearing lots of make up and I have cookies in goody bags that I am handing out and as I hand everyone their goody bag I am going to say in my best Southern accent: “Love and Best Dishes From My Kitchen To Yours.” Aren’t these bags perfect?? I bought them last year at Good will for .10 cents a bag!
I think Tony and I are in a bit of “before our diet starts” mode! I am trying to think of all the carbs I can eat before our South Beach diet starts on Monday!
Breakfast was a taco wrap with spinach, bacon, eggs and cheddar with 1/2 a Fuji apple. Breakfast comes in at 409 calories, 31 carbs, 22 fat, 22 protein and 11.3 fiber.
Lunch was a different version of my butternut squash and apple soup. I saw that a food network chef Michael Chiarello made a butternut squash soup using a toasted spice rub. Since I made the soup yesterday morning, I had to cheat a bit and modify with what I had on hand. You know how you have rib rub, or dry rubs in your pantry? I am going to call this a soup rub!
- 1 teaspoon ground coriander
- 1 teaspoon black pepper
- 1 teaspoon crushed red pepper
- 1/4 cup chili powder
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
For the soup: Cut a butternut squash in half, scoop out the seeds and lay, face down, in a microwave safe dish with 1/2 cup water and cook for 15 minutes. Let cool. Meanwhile peel and slice two apples and saute until they are soft.
Put 6 cups of chicken broth in pot. Add apples and scoop squash into the pot. Add 1/2 cup heavy cream and 2 teaspoons of the soup rub above. Using a stick blender, puree. Serve with 1/2 ounce crumbled blue cheese on top.

With a Pam grilled turkey sandwich on the side. I really love this soup – it has the perfect combination of sweet and heat! Lunch comes in at 505 calories, 48 carbs, 29 protein, 22 fat and 19.9 fiber (thanks to the low carb wraps!)
I had to bake a cake last night and make cookies, so dinner was simple. I love having this on hand – it lasts in the fridge forever.
The one thing I don’t like about our cast iron grill pan is that it smokes up the whole house. At least you know I am cooking!
I sliced the polenta and using a bit of olive oil, made them crispy. I served mine with a couple tablespoons of my butcher’s ragu leftover from the other night.

Dinner comes in at 424 calories, 25 carbs, 48 protein, 12.8 fat and 1 fiber. I ate all the polenta and 5 ounces of the steak.
Stats for Thursday:
- 1338 calories (plus 1/2 of one of the cookies I made – toffee chocolate chip!), 104 carbs, 98 protein, 57 fat and 32 fiber.
- Guess what I did for exercise yesterday?? I walked on the treadmill for 40 minutes, at 3.5 mph, 5% incline all while . . . tossing a 6 pound medicine ball back and forth the whole time! Wow, can I feel it today, but it feels good!
Alright, I need to finish getting ready for work – I am not used to putting so much make up on!
Does your office dress up? Come back tomorrow for pics! 😀
Good luck with your Paula Deen costume. My old office did dress up and we did have a costume contest. My coworkers (all dietitians) dressed as nuts, but in a funny way, since we were the NUTR dept and hated getting consults that said NUT team to eval. So we dressed as nuts but it literal translations. that got us second place. The next year we did the Vegas people and made up a song to YMCA tune. It rocked and we won $300 which we used to go out and eat as a group. If you are curious, I can email you the link on youtube.
I can’t wait to see your costume!!!!!!! make sure to take lots of pictures =) I hope you win
I did see the Halloween version of Modern Family, what a hoot! I can see why your costumes/themes are winning they are creative. They rock too.
Your halloween costumes are priceless – I love your ideas especially Paula – the butter wrappers heehee.
I am so drooling over the steak – and yes, that is definitely the only way to make a steak. Slurp!
I am so loving that you’re going as Paula Deen! I NEED the pictures! What an awesome idea!
Can’t wait to see pics of this year! The bags are cute. Wish you worked with me as I would so love eating your food all the time!
Haha yeah Paula Deen does wear a boatload of makeup! I wonder how she gets her hair to do that “flip” thing too! I can’t wait to see your pics!!!
ANDDDD I tottaaally was going to do that lady that sat on her dog thing this Halloween. I thought the kids at the door would get a kick out of it. But J and some friends thought it wasn’t a good idea so they killed the fun of it for me. :/ booo
If I ask nicely will you email me the JCPenney photo!? That sounds hysterical!!! So funny that Hannah got into it, too!
For some reason I had it in my head that you were Type II Diabetic. If that’s the case, you can’t do the South Beach Diet. At least that’s what my dietician told me.
I think you will make a great Paula Deen. I bet it’s a hoot around your workplace even when it isn’t Halloween.
I was type II, but have morphed into type 1 – I only take insulin. I’ve gotten the green light for my doctor – I’ll let you know how it works out! 😀 Thanks for your concern though! 😀
Oh my goodness I can’t wait to see your Paula get-up! I bet it’s going to be amazing!
So creative Biz!! You look adorable all dressed up. No one in my office dresses up but we do have a pumpkin carving contest and a ton of goodies which is good enough for me! 🙂
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
Your costumes are awesome! Hope you win again this year!
Our office doesn’t dress up – but we DO accept pet photos (if you dress them up). hehe
I LOVE your walk down memory lane. WOW – wish you could post those pictures. LOL
Oh my gosh, yes, I LOVED the Modern Family episode! We’re having a “Halloween Spin Class” at my gym tonight and I’m bringing my costume, in a bag….just in case. 🙂
I LOVE your costumes – you are so creative!! haha the lesbian one is HILARIOUS. I wish I were that creative…I usually cheat and end up buying something. This year I’m just gonna be a cow girl (or Taylor Swift, but really a cow girl!) because I hd everything already. 🙂
Hahaha, you have the best costume ideas!
Love the Halloween costumes!
OOH since I started low-carbing the end of August, I have lost close to 20 pounds so I’m looking forward to your South Beach recipes. I have never eaten so much meat/poultry/fish in my life or gone so long without a potato. I do have some of the bars (Atkins and South Beach) when I crave something crunchy. Your Paula Deen outfit sounds great; my sis went as Cruella Deville. You know Paula admits to false eyelashes and wigs!
I already liked you, Biz. But now? I am a bit enamored! Lost Puppy?!?! Paula Deen? Don’t forget to shout BUTTAH every 2 seconds and act like a lustful cougar when a young male thing walks by. And the picture of the steak?! YUM! Rare is the only way steak should be eaten.
Did anyone find it offensive that you were a lesbian for Halloween?
Nope, not at all – we are a pretty small law firm though, which helps 😀
Luckily I watched my DVR’d Modern Family last night so I caught your reference!
OMG…the picture in my head of your lesbian family cracks me up! 😀
Happy carbfest this weekend! LOL
I have permission to post the pictures tomorrow – they still make me laugh!
Just a side note (Good article thguoh), Mother Theresa didn’t want to help others get better. She wanted people to suffer, because suffering brings us closer to God. Yeah, people always bring her up like she was a beacon of hope, but when you think about it, she really just liked to get sad and watch people die so she could get closer to her God via their pain and her empathy. Catholics man, what the hell is wrong with them?
oh man i cant wait to see pictures! we dont dress up at my office, but i kind of wish we did! im going to be a ballerina the rest of the weekend 🙂
i LOVE your costume idea. please take pics!!
Can’t wait to see pics – Paula is a great idea! Gives you an excuse to say “Y’all” all day! 🙂
I give you credit for only eating 1/2 cookie – wish I had that will power!
Have fun Biz! We don’t dress up for work, although since it’s casual every day, I’m wearing my ghost sweatshirt and I have fun Halloween socks…that’s it!
Wish me luck at my offices Halloween cooking contest today!
Yeah, we dress up but I’m not feeling it today. I woke up feeling like a huge medicine ball from eating brownies last night. I was going to revisit my 80s birthday costume but I’m just going as the medicine ball that I am. 🙂 What did you have to bake a cake for? Um, hello? You can not taunt me like this with no details. 🙂
Seriously, I needed your frosting skills, but I think it turned out – I made the copycat portillo cake:
1 box super moist chocolate mix
1 cup mayo
1 cup water
3 eggs
I made a spider design on top – it turned out pretty good – I’ll post the pictures tomorrow! 😀
I remember that cake–it’s the one you always make! I haven’t ventured into the land of mayo cake yet but I will soon. I usually use sour cream and I’d like to see if mayo makes it even more moist. It should since it’s mostly oil! Can’t wait to see all the fun pics.
I cannot wait to see your Paula costume!! 😀 have fun!!
(Jason is dressing in camo jacket and black pants, I am wearing camo pants + black top – we are UPPER & LOWER G.I.s !! )