Hannah is going to community college, and one of her classes is a speech class. She had to give a speech and below is what she said – she got an A! So proud of her – she hasn’t skipped one class yet!
From Hannah:
If our kitchen could talk, it would furiously say, “Enough already!” Not only does my mom neglect to put anything away while cooking, but she also proceeds to add to the already overwhelming hurricane aftermath that we once used to call our kitchen. It’s frightening, really, this extraordinary talent my mother possesses, but even more surprising the angelic, heavenly meals that somehow emerge in the midst of such a tremendous disaster. It’s easy to say I don’t support this rather unfortunate knack, but it’s because of this annoying skill that I am able to call my home a home.
I was three. Sitting on the counter with my dirty socks that seemed to yell out their stench, I was preparing dinner. With her video camera in hand, my mom blatantly asked me, “Hannah, what are you doing?”
“Skinnin’,” I replied, as if it was obvious.
“Skinning what?” mom asked with a hint of curiosity.
“Skinnin’ garlic,” was what I responded with, almost with a tone of arrogance as if everyone knows that 3-year-olds can skin garlic and know what that means.
Ever since I can remember, my mom was baking, always in the kitchen, cooking up a storm. An extravagant, impressive, chaotic storm, that is. I’ll never forget when it was her turn to be “snack mom” at school in Kindergarten. There was a list of choices a mom could choose from, whether it be a sweet, salty, or variety of flavors. My mom, not knowing what the list meant, assumed she had to make a snack with all of the above. So, being the crafty little mistress in the kitchen that she is, she went ahead and made pretzels wrapped in lacy red licorice, topped with a drizzle of peanut butter. And, of course, it wouldn’t have been good enough to just leave it like that. She continued to make sure the licorice was tied in an ever-so-tight and perfect bow, the peanut butter draped along the pretzel as if to be the infamous Yellow Brick Road. The kids loved it, of course, and the moms hated it because that meant they felt obligated to actually put effort into their snack next time. As usual, she showed the rest of the moms up.
Food is a large part, if not the majority of our household. Whether it be conversations, E-mails, or even through a blog, my mom is involved in everything. My mom is diabetic and makes all food from scratch, so she created a food blog online to post healthy recipes, comments, and pictures of everything she makes to help those who yearn to have her sense of motivation accomplish such a task. It’s remarkable, really, the countless hours she puts into her blog after a long day at work and putting up with my endless observations about the cleanliness (or lack there of) of the kitchen. Yet somehow, some way, it doesn’t bother her. It’s what she enjoys, and it’s what made my home feel like home since I was little.
I never really give her enough credit for everything she does, especially in the kitchen. I always focus on how much she leaves behind that I fail to recognize the positive aspect of her making a mess. But truth be told, she’s the one who puts up with more. Not only my nagging comments, but the fact that at now 18-years-old, I still crave the food of a toddler. She always makes another dish if she knows I won’t eat something the rest of the family will, or always gives me fair notice when such occasions will arise. If I were anyone else’s child, I’m sure I would have been starved years ago.
After all my bitching and moaning, in the end, I really am sincerely grateful to have a mother who cannot only cook well, but often. I haven’t always made it easy for her to take pleasure in her hobby, but that’s never forced her to give it up, luckily. My home is many things, but it sure as hell has been significant because of my mother’s wonderful cooking. The fact alone that I have such a talented, driven, loving mom overrides any mess in our house.
Thanks for letting me share that Hannah! I love you!
I am in the midst of making chicken tikka masala for lunch today (not sure Tony’s going to like the smell of the kitchen when he gets up!) so this will be quick.
I have Jenn to thank for my breakfast yesterday – before her post I never even heard of baked beans on toast, but I guess its a popular snack in London!
I woke up and made a loaf of artisan bread – I made the dough last night and it sat on the counter overnight. The base of my breakfast was 2 ounces of the fresh bread, 1/2 cup of the baked beans I made the other day, a Pam fried egg and 1 slice of American cheese. Holy yum was this delicious – and filling! I ate this at 8:45 in the morning, I walked 45 minutes at lunch with 2 pound weights, and I had to force myself to eat my lunch at 2:00!

It was a gorgeous walk – the trees are so beautiful!
Lunch was beef stir fry, I used 3 ounces of the leftover rump roast we had over the weekend.

And since I had chicken thawed to make my chicken tikka masala, I made chicken parmesan for dinner – these chicken breasts were huge! Tony and I should have just split one, because we both only ate half. I fry the chicken in Pam, 1 tablespoon butter and 1 teaspoon vegetable oil – we like a crispy crust on our chicken 😀

Stats for Tuesday:
- 1391 calories, 190 carbs, 64 protein, 30 fat, 27 fiber
- 19% of calories from fat
- 45 minute walk at lunch with 2 pound weights
I ended up not watching Biggest Loser or Glee last night – we had so much to watch on our DVR, and then we watched the miners in Chile get rescued – it was fascinating!
Thanks for sharing this wonderful blog, very inspiring and the dishes look too yummy.
Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I am so glad I stopped by yours for a visit and got to read Hannah’s lovely guest post. I too have a college age daughter who I am very close to as well. Daughters are the best.
I loved Hannah’s speech, what a great word smith! And so thoughful to think of her mom!!!!
Toast with beans and a fried egg sounds like a great start to the day!
Nothing like beans on toast! I used to eat that all the time when I lived in Wales. You’re making me homesick! 😉
Hannah did a great job on her speech. You must be so proud of your beautiful daughter. I continue to envy the mother/daughter relationship you have. You are both very lucky.
Aww, how sweet of Hannah! And yay for fall – those trees make me happy 🙂
Biz, your relationship with your daughter is my idea of the perfect mother-daughter love. It’s beautiful, it’s sincere, it’s the kind that not just makes you go “aaw”, but also brighten up a hope inside of you that there IS such a thing as perfect beauty and love in the world.
Hannah is all sorts of awesome. I have a lot to learn from her!
LOL…my little girl is addicted to skinning garlic too! Whenever I start cooking dinner, she asks me for some garlic to peel…er skin. 🙂
What a sweet gal your Hannah is! I had/have such a tough relationship with my own mother. I pray everyday that my future relationship with my daughter is as solid as yours is with Hannah.
Your version of beans on toast looks delicious!
I am hungry now!
Hannah has you pegged for sure! You need to frame that speech, it’s wonderful!
Hannah’s speech was great..and so sweet. You must be so proud.
Your chicken parm looks great! I agree..you need to have a bit of crispy crust when you make it!
I agree great post Hannah! Also you be cooking up a storm. I read a few of your recipes dishes already and a few of them had me saying wow and others have me saying this is a great idea!
Aww I loved Hannah’s speech! Way to go!
My aunt is from England and introduced me to beans and toast. I used to gobble up big plates of beans w/ a few buttered pieces of toast alongside. Thanks for reminding me!
You should be proud!!!! Hannah is so great and YOU have everything to do with that!!!!
Great Speech Hannah!!!!!!!
I love the essay from Hannah! In fact, I think I know love Hannah! lol
I LOVED that story!! I can just imagine you like a Top Chef, trying to think of a way to create something kid-friendly that included each of the ingredients on the list….hehe, and I’m sure your end products was amazing!
Hannah is a fabulous writer, she must get that from her mom. And, I love your bread, baked bean, and cheese creation. That is definitely something I would make for dinner. Nick and I are really into beans and cheese for quick dinners, especially baked beans.
I puffy Heart you and Hannah – so lucky to have each other you are!
What a sweet daughter you have! Your breakfast sounds interesting! I would totally try it though!
Hannah awwww! What a sweet, sweet guest post. And I’m cracking up at the three-year-old knowing how to skin garlic! You’ve taught her well. 🙂
Aw, that’s a wonderful guest post from Hannah! Can she please come to California and teach my kids how to be neat freaks? Thanks! 😉
What a gorgeous photo of the trees!
And it’s funny, your beans and eggs and toast is kind of like a British version of huevos rancheros!
Great speech from Hannah 🙂
I was talking with a friend yesterday and she was making chicken parm for dinner – I never make it but should cause it’s so good.
What a great speech from Hannah! She’s lucky to have such memories!
So fun to read your blog. Some yummy food ideas!
Thanks again
It’s so nice to see what a close relationship you and Hannah have :). Makes me miss my mum!
– Beth @ http://www.DiningAndDishing.com
I was really touched by this…can I post a link to this essay on my FB…email me f it’s ok.
Hannah just made me cry! That is the most loving, touching, insightful essay ever! You and Hannah are lucky to have each other! I just want to give Hannah a hug for being so sweet and smart and loving her Mama like this!
what a great speech by hannah! it makes me think of me and my mom…not the kitchen/cooking part, but how much i love her. it just shines right through 🙂
by the way, i cant believe that breakfast kept you full for so long! wow. even when i have a filling breakfast, i always end up feeling snacky at work.
Great guest post Hannah!
If I am ever a mom I hope my kid can say all those wonderful things about me 🙂
Read it word for word – SO sweet, and how fun and special that must have been for you to see yourself from your daughter’s perspective. 3-year-old skinning garlic. hehe Thanks for sharing that and congrats to Hannah on her well-deserved A. 🙂 I would like your ‘gorgeous walk’ picture to be my screen saver – SO pretty. It’s not fall here yet….
That post from hannah was beautiful. I was tearing up just reading it! 🙂 So sweet! Ohhhh and that chicken parm looks to die for! Love the ideaof adding a bit of spinach ont here. Must try!!
Excuse me, did you say tikka masala? What time should I be there? My favorite. 🙂
That is such a sweet essay that Hannah wrote. Good job, Hannah!
I used a different hot pepper (other than my usual jalapeno) and it was really spicy and good!
When you mentioned baked beans on bread I had to cry a bit. See – that was my Mom’s favorite quick lunch [white bread, cold beans and onions] I personally thought it was despicable to tell you the truth, but would happily make it for her if that is what she wanted. She passed away a few weeks ago and it was a nice memory you gave me today of my Mom. Glad to know she was actually on to something with those bean sandwiches.
I just started following your blog, so I had no idea about your mom – so sorry! But glad it brought you a happy memory! 😀
I am so sorry Bizzy – I know I should’ve complimented Hannah on her wonderful speech – and it IS AWESOME! thank you for sharing, really – but I just got so sad reading the whole post….and got selfish. My apologies.
You are a very good Momma with a very appreciative daughter. That is a blessed combo.
Seriously, a tear just rolled down my cheek. That was so sweet of Hannah to do her speech on you–what she said about you was so touching. You guys are just too much! I’ve heard of Brits putting baked beans on toast but I refuse to do it! Ew! Your stir-fry looks amazing. Every time you mention your Chicken Tikka Masala, it reminds me I’ve wanted to make it ever since I came to your blog–it was one of the first recipes I saved from your site!
Love you Hanners!
Such a funny, but true story! Good thing you aren’t in my kitchen, because its the same exact mess!
Wow what a great guest post from Hannah! Almost brought tears to my eyes! I would have given this paper an A+++. Well down!
That breakfast sandwich looks amazing!
Ah…I miss the fall colors. We don’t get that many in So Cal.
Hannah’s essay got me a little misty eyed. I’d love if my daughter thought the same of me. Next time I’m doing a marathon in my kitchen I’m going to take a photo, just for Hannah so she can see that you’re not the only one who uses every single pan!
Now you’ve given me the idea of having chicken parm on the menu next week!