That’s one thing I hate about Chicago weather – some years we go from spring to summer in the blink of an eye! I hate when we don’t have a longer spring season!
I had birthday breakfast club yesterday to celebrate our offices May birthdays. I had grand visions of making hazelnut cinnamon biscotti, homemade cinnamon rolls, etc. But when I was sweating on Sunday just vacuuming the living room, I decided to go to Plan B. One homemade dish and the rest store bought!
I didn’t take any pictures of the assembly of this casserole, because I didn’t think it was going to be that healthy, but after putting it to, it didn’t turn out too bad. I had a 6 ounce piece of stale baguette and decided to throw together an egg casserole, using ingredients I had on hand.
Egg Zucchini Bake Recipe (printer friendly version here)
Makes 8 servings (300 calories, 17.3 carbs, 15.fat, 1.3 fiber and 19.3 protein)
6 | ounces sourdough bread |
12 | large eggs |
1/2 | cup fat free half and half |
8 | ounce zucchini |
4 | ounce green chiles |
8 | ounce cheddar cheese |
1 | salt |
1 | pepper |
- Heat up non-stick skillet with Pam. Saute diced zucchini and green chiles. In a separate bowl, mix eggs with half and half.
- In a 9×13 inch pan, put chopped bread on the bottom. Add zucchini mixture evenly, then pour over egg/milk mixture.
- Make sure all the bread has been dunked in the egg mixture. Top with 8 ounce shredded cheddar cheese. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes, or until set and golden brown.
My breakfast: one serving of the casserole, a few strawberries and a couple blackberries. 333 calories, 24 carbs, 20 protein, 17.7 fat and 4.3 fiber.
Everyone loved it – and although I had a 4 ounce can of green chiles, it wasn’t spicy at all, which worked out okay!
My friend and I were determined to walk yesterday, even after looking on!

But we did our 45 minute walk – with a bottle of water! We were so sweaty by the time we got back – it was nice to take a cool shower before heading back to my desk.
I brought 2 ounces of roast beef leftover to make a roast beef sandwich – I toasted 1 ounce of sourdough bread, spread one half of my sammie with about a tablespoon of my homemade goat cheese, yellow mustard on the bottom and the beef in the middle. Holy cow was this good! 488 calories, 44 carbs, 38 protein, 18.2 fat and 4 fiber.
And I accessorized my lunch with a mediocre salad from our buildings cafe. It had way too much frisee – I ended up picking half of the salad out!
I did pork chops on the grill. I put one baked potato in the microwave. When it was cool enough to handle, I cut in quarters and Pam fried them to get them crispy.
I made a cucumber and goat cheese salad on the side.
My plate: I ended up eating 4 ounces of pork chop (they were huge!), 2 potato wedges with spicy bbq sauce. 452 calories, 48 carbs, 38 protein, 11.7 fat and 5 fiber.
For whatever reason yesterday I was so hungry. But I don’t think I was physically hungry, but just bored and I kept reaching into my almond stash. By the end of the day I think I ate the equivalent of 2 ounces of almonds – about 48 of them for 340 calories!! And last night after dinner it was all I could do not to raid the pantry!
But I went to bed without eating anything, my mind got the better of me – I told myself it would be stupid to eat anything when you are just about to go to bed! I was in bed before 11:00 and I woke up at 7:15 this morning – nice and refreshed! 😀
Hello, my name is Biz, and I have an addiction. To food magazines!! Well, I can’t bare to throw them out, so if you want me to ship these magazines to you (+about 20 more that are in my basement) just leave me a comment on what your favorite food magazine is. I’ll pick a winner tonight by and announce it tomorrow 😀
Hope its not too hot where you are today. Season Finale of Biggest Loser Tonight? Are you going to watch it?
Stats for Monday:
- 1622, 123 carbs, 108 protein, 78 fat and 17.3 fiber
- 45 minute walk in 90+ temps! 😀
Hi Biz, Sorry I missed your giveaway, what a great idea to recycle food mags. I’ve tried the lo-carb wraps and for me, they were disappointing. Too gummy. I was a picky eater as a kid and I guess I’m still picky. Most of the time, I just have my “sandwiches” sans bread of any kind.
I love homemade fries. They are the best!
I’d enter your giveaway, but I too subscribe to most of those mags! I never thought to give them away, recently, about 2 years worth went to the recycle depot.
I was so sad last summer when Gourmet was discontinued…
I love egg casseroles and I LOVE good pork recipes. These both look fantastic. We are getting a grill soon and I want to make a lot of pork chops this summer, as I find them easier to create on the grill as apposed to in the oven or on the stove.
I very rarely read magazines, but out of all the magazines above I would have to say Eating Well or Cooking Light are my faves! I also like Rachael Ray’s magazine. Crazy.
Oh, I freakin’ hate frisee! Why must they put that stuff in salad mixes? I always end up picking it out because it sucks.
omg I am a magazine addict too!!!! This is like a huge crack giveaway to me. EEEEEEEE!
I heart magazines. And the biggest loser finale!!!
I’m not interested in the magazines as I have my husband on cooking magazine lockdown. But I am interested in how you made the cucumber and goat cheese salad. I’m a novice so I need all the help I can get.
Also I’m excited about the zucchini bake… yum!
Um, no recipe there – 1 baby cucumber sliced, 1 tablespoon herbed goat cheese and 1 tablespoon of Paul Newman’s light balsamic dressing – I make this first, then put it in the fridge so its nice and cold when I serve dinner. 😀
Remember I’m the “unread” book addict…so I must restrain myself from picking up magazines as well 🙂 Great offer though!
It’s so hot here! I can’t stand that it’s this hot already! It feels like July!
Your sandwich and pork chop and fries look AWESOME! I need to make some sort of potato this week for dinner…I’m definitely having a craving for them!
I have Biggest Loser on my DVR…I had to watch American Idol first!! I am going to start watching it momentarily! I can’t wait to see who wins!
I want to borrow your magazines! And have your cucumber salad!! And make that breakfast strata – fabulous!
Are you sure you weren’t in Texas today with that heat? Good on ya for getting your walk in…neither rain nor sleet, nor heat nor snow – oh wait, that’s the postman! 😉
Don’t enter me for the cooking mags – I mostly just drool over the pretty pictures but cook so rarely now that they would be wasted on me.
I freaking LOVE baked potato wedges 🙂 The egg bake does look good too.
Instead of stalking food mags, I just stalk food blogs. Saves paper and money! Foodgawker is a super, super huge addiction of mine. It’s horrible, in the most nomtacular way.
Oh my gosh all your food has me drooling all over my computer! YUM!
Ooooh, I see some Clean Eating mags in there–love that one! I also love Everyday Food & TOH. I’m drooling all over that mag picture!
We had a very very short spring here in Alabama as well! It’s already in the 90s most days!
I love Cooking Light. I don’t have subscriptions to many because I’ve been in nursing school for the past year and haven’t had time to read anything beside nursing/medical books and articles. Now that I’ve graduated, I look forward to reading for pleasure again.
WOO HOO! i love cooking light! i understand your addiction, completely.
I am loving the new look…and we are still enjoying your wonderful baja salsa!! YUM!!
I would LOVE those Bon Appetite’s! I already have all the Cooking Lights 😉
As I was reading your post about the weather in Chicago I was thinking, “My parents never mentioned it being so steamy. They’re on vacation. Duh” I won’t tell him how the weather is…they’ll get mad they chose this week to go!!!
Thanks for all the votes, Biz! I appreciate it!
Favorite food magazine: Tie between Eating Well and Cooking Light. Love ’em!
that zucchini bake looks SO good!
I try not to complain about the hot weather as I don’t have to shovel snow or freeze my butt off when working! We’ve had REALLY hot weather(for us) for 2 days now and everyone around here is complaining already! They always forget what winter is like 🙂
Oh my goodness! You certainly DO have a food mag addiction! I’m sure they’re filled with SO many great recipes-everything looks delicious!
I am awful for never replying to your email – which I totally forgot until just now!
I am currently trying to trash all of my fitness/SELF mags, so I don’t want to take in anymore – for fear I won’t be able to part with them either!
Your sammie looks great!
Biz, if you have a scanner, take your fave recipes and scan them into the computer. I do 5-10 at a time and then I get rid of whatever magazine or other persons cookbook I borrow. This was they are accessible but out of the way.
Great idea Melinda! I actually type them in my so I have the nutrition! 😀
haha, that is quite a stash! i loooove food and wine magazine so i totally understand the addiction 🙂
– Beth @
I love the way you always make your potatos crispy! I love crispy potatos. My Husband teases me because I used to order mashed potatos and french fries as my sides at restaurants. They are different! His complaint was they were both potatos!
I wish it would warm up her a bit, but not 88*! It was 65 for a high yesterday, but it felt like 55 to me! I have been so cold. On Saturday it was 42* and raining and my daughter had a soccer game. I haven’t been warm since!
Love all the magazines. I love Taste of Home and Better Crocker magazines, plus all the Holiday cooking magazines!
And Biggest Loser!!!!! Can’t wait, I may even let my kids stay up for the end of the show instead of telling them what happened the next day.
I just subscribed to Clean eating and received my first one – love it 🙂
I cannot wait to watch biggest loser tonight, my daughter and I watch and both love it.
I like Cook’s Illustrated/Cook’s Country. I also like Rachael Ray, Food Network, Diabetic Living, Better Homes and Gardens…I too have an addiction, but I don’t have hardly any of the ones you’re giving away!!
We haven’t even hit 75 yet 🙁 not once
I will be watching tonight, rooting for Daris or Ashley (Daris more :P)
I think Koli is going to win the whole thing!
Love your breakfast bake!
And since we are twins, I also share the magazine thing! Ha! Although I think I have most of those in my house too!
how is it so hot there?!? it is in the 60s in so. cal. I’m jealous!
also, so behind on tbl…i need to catch up!!! i guess i will have some “new” episodes to watch once all the finales have aired?
I dislike too much frisee in a salad too. lol
OH BIGGEST LOSER! I will be watching! 🙂
I have the same addiction as you…. I took my problem on step further with the Clean Eating magazines- I put the pages in binders- each page in a clear-view sheet. Yes, I have issues. lol What I do with the rest is go through them , tear out any recipes I want- then make stacks to bring to a friends house for her to go through. Then she brings them to her church. Hey at least I recycle! lol 🙂
I just discovered Clean Eating and LOVE it! I’m also a fan of Cook’s Illustrated and Cooking Light!
I need to remember not to open your blog posts until after lunch! It’s 10 a.m. and now I’m starving. BTW – Eating Well is my favorite magazine. I love how the recipes look so pretty and don’t require a zillion ingredients.
I’m with you–love the Chicago weather. We went from heat to air conditioning in one day–or so it seemed!
Thanks for the food magazine offer. However, I have Gourmet back to 1979, and many, many others. I can’t bring myself to get rid of them either. I really have to get serious about “clipping and ridding”!
Keep cool!
Eating Well is my favorite! Clean Eating is just as fantastic though!
I live in Canada, it would probably take a lot to ship those out if i won, so if you wanna not count this comment, i understand hehe 🙂
oh my it is hot-i wish you could give us some heat in so cal this is ridiculous……love your breakfast egg dish-looks great……hee hee funny about all the magazines! i love cooking light 🙂
OK the “Feels like 95 degrees” made me laugh out loud. Was that your homemade goat cheese on the salad?
Hello, my name is Helen and I have a cooking magazine, cookbook addiction. So, don’t enter me in the contest!
Please send me your unwanted frisee, I LOVE it! And I can never find it by itself. 🙁
That roast beef sandwich looks delicious.
The zucchini bake looks awesome! I love things like that!
I am totally watching biggest loser tonight! Mike’s totally going to win unless he went home and crapped out.
I like the cooking light magazine. I don’t always get it but I like it. I like to watch TV late at night on my computer and page through and rip recipes out. I was getting Rachael Ray but I don’t find too many good recipes in there and they are the same on her website anyways. I’d love these, then I could catch up on TV! Thanks!
The hot weather is heading our way…yesterday it was cool and cloudy, tomorrow it’s supposed to be 90 and steamy! yikes!
Don’t enter me in the contest though…Noel would not like more magazines!
That zucchini bake looks terrific, I like the addition of green chillies!
Girl…I’ve also thought of giving away all my cooking mags…but I see some here that I don’t subscribe to, so I’d love to win your giveaway! My favorite food mags I get are RR and the Food Network one.
It’s definitely getting hotter here as well. But it feels so good outside in the early morning. When I walk into work, I always wish I could just stay outside and keep walking. Too bad I have to continue into work and sit myself down for a few hours. I also love cookbooks and food magazines, but I stopped subscribing to most of them because they added clutter and cost money. My favorite is one someone got me for my birthday – Cooks Illustrated. It’s so informative. My second favorite is Cooking Light.