From about the age of 12 my daughter has started a list of things that will be in her future apartment. It’s not that she doesn’t like living with us, but she is just one of those people who wants to be on her own as soon as possible. In fact if she could move out the day after high school graduation, I think she would!
She is a neat freak, I am not. She likes everything to be put back in the same spot, I routinely put the gravy boat in with the drinking glasses which drives her mad.
One thing I hopefully have given her is the skill of grocery shopping and cooking from scratch. Some of the items that will be in her kitchen:
- skinny chicken (even though she knows it costs three times as much, she likes that its ready to go!)
- water chestnuts
- House of Tsang Classic stir fry sauce
- onions! (how I birthed a child that likes onions, I’ll never know!)
- canned mandarin oranges
- diet Brisk tea with lemon
- rice
- pasta
Notice chicken is the only meat on the list, because that’s mainly all she eats – no red meat, unless its in chili or I make her a skinny burger!
But do you want to know why she is excited about turning 18? It’s not because she can register to vote. Nope!
Top Five Reasons Hannah is excited about being 18
- She can buy scratch off lottery tickets.
- She can buy canned aerosol whip cream.
- She can get her own passport.
- She can legally stay out after midnight!
- She doesn’t need parental consent to get her nose pierced (I am sure a picture of that will be forthcoming!)
She makes me so proud. I’ve loved watching her grow up into the woman she is today. Determined, independent, patient and she has a loving heart. One of my favorite stories of her growing up is that by the time she was able to talk I made her do the talking. If we were in a store and she needed to use the bathroom, she had to find someone to ask – I would tell her “I am not going to be with you all the time you need to do it yourself!”
I was standing in line at Whole Foods. She was about 4. She wanted a strawberry smoothie, so I gave her the money and told her to stand in line and wait for her turn. I was all of about 10 feet from her. The counter was taller than she was. When it got to be her turn, the worker looked past her at the guy behind her and I hear her shout “excuse me – I was here first!” and she slapped her money on the counter and asked for a strawberry smoothie! I was like “yes!”
Go here if you want to see last years post to her 17th birthday – I wanted to make sure I didn’t post the same pictures as last year!

I love that picture above. Actually the day I went back to work when Hannah was six weeks old – they let me go. My boss said he didn’t have to give me my same job back, just “a job.” So instead of being a property manager, all he wanted me to do was collect the change out of the washers and dryers! So that little event was what sent me crawling back to my parents house “for a year” – which really ended up being five years! I have said it before, but I would not change those events because Hannah got to spend her first five years with the last five years of my Dad’s life. Hannah is the oldest grandchild and because we lived with my parents, she has the best memories of him, even though she was six when he died.
In any event, the only work I could find was temporary work, and every Sunday I would have the want ads out trying to find better work – I love that she thought she was helping me find a job! 😀
I used to call her a bag lady because she was forever stuffing things into bags and trying to carry too much. This particular day that picture was taken above – while she has a smile on in this picture, a mere 10 seconds later and she was in utter tears. My parents house had a big loop – meaning you could walk from the kitchen, into the living room, into the dining room and into the other part of the kitchen. Hannah loved traveling the loop with her baby strollers! Except this particular trip, she has another stroller on her arm and there was no room between the dining room and the piano to get through with all this stuff! She was determined though! She put everything down, and with tears still streaming down her face, moved all the chairs out of the way, put all her stuff back on and was good to go!

This is her Senior picture! 😀
So no food pics today – just wanted to wish Hannah a very Happy Birthday and tell her that I love her and I am so proud of her! I can’t wait to see where life takes you Hannah – I have a feeling its going to be a great ride! 😀
Okay, it’s 12:45 a.m. – she has made it home safely and is officially 18!!!!!!!!!!!!! We love her! 😀
Happy Birthday to Miss Hannah – my fellow Pisces. She’s gorgeous and you obviously did a first rate job raising her. 😀
Wait…you have to be 18 to buy whipped cream in a can? And stay out after a midnight? And get your own passport?! I don’t get it….we definitely don’t have those rules here. And I think you can get pierced at 16, but don’t quote me on that. I had my ears pierced the 2nd & 3rd times when I was 13 and 14 without parental permission – just went ot the mall and had it done. LOL.
happy belated hannah! what a great post! your wonderful relationship and love for eachother just shines right through!!! reminds me of my mommy 🙂
Your daughter is beautiful! I have absolutely no idea how you have a kid, work, and make all these gorgeous meals!
Thanks Mary! 😀
I just love reading your blog and unfortunately don’t get the time to as much now that I’m without a computer at home. But I had to pop in and read today while I’m at the library and wish Hannah a wonderful birthday (belated, I know!) and let her know to…take it all in girl, because it will really start to fly by now!!!! 🙂
I remember when Hannah turned 17 last year! I can’t believe a whole year has passed by already!
I hope she had a very happy birthday! 🙂
Happy Birthday! Those pictures are too sweet! 18 is a great age – enjoy every second!
Happy belated Birthday, Hannah! Ahh…..18. Such a fun age – you’re an “adult,” but not to the point where you have to do all the not fun adult things. 🙂 She is beautiful in all her pics!
What a beautiful tribute to Hannah on her birthday! 18 is such a special age. I hope she knows how great her mom is!!
Your love for Hannah, and your pride for her is just SO touching!
Happy Birthday, Hannah!
You can also be legally executed for criminal charges…but I’m sure you don’t have to worry about that! 😉
Happy, happy Birthday to Hannah!
Okay, I was seriously EXACTLY like that when I was her age!!! I remember actually being like 5 years old, and circling the items in the Sears catalog that I was going to have in my house one day (dishwasher, fridge etc.) As I got older I started making lists of the foods I would buy etc. I could NOT wait to move out on my own, even though life was good with my family.
She must be a VERY independent young woman!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANNAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are going to GO places girl!!!!
Happy Birthday to Hannah! Your description of her hit close to home for me, too! I left town with everything down to the furniture! I was so ready to be off on my own and have everything organized my way – I had serious flashbacks reading this. You made me want to call my mom!!
Happy Birthday, Hannah! I was just like her at 18 – I couldn’t wait to move out and be independant. It shouldn’t have surprised me when my two oldest daughters did the same thing.
Happy Birthday, Hannah! I hope she had wonderful day!!
awwwwww! happy bday to hannah!
happy birthday, Hannah
Yay Happy Birthday Hannah!! 🙂
Happy birthday to Hannah!
You have to be 18 to buy whipped cream?
Great stories & pictures Biz 🙂 It’s funny you have to be 18 to buy whipped cream in an aerosol – it doesn’t matter here!
Happy Birthday Hannah!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
Happy birthday, Hannah! 🙂
Loved the Whole Foods smoothie story LOL. So precious.
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how freaking sweet 🙂 Love this post! Happy birthday to your baby! I’ m sure you have taught her SO much more beyond just cooking. You guys sound like you have a fabulous relationship <3
Awww she is so beautiful! I have a 17 year old son and it just goes so fast doesn’t it? My son has a list alot like your daughters too and he can’t WAIT to get out of here. I’ll miss him for sure but he’ll be off living his life. We have a ‘hope chest’ of sorts set up for him with dishes, silverware, kitchen gadgets and linens, that way he’s set up for a good start.
Aww Thank you for sharing all these wonderful stories of Hannah Beth. I will DEFINITELY remember the story of the strawberry smoothie and make sure that when I have my own kids, I adopt your teaching methods!!
I’m sure Hannah is also proud to have such a wonderful mom who has taught her to be a confident, strong woman. 🙂 Happy birthday Hannah and Congrats Beth!! You’ve graduated too in so many ways!!! 🙂 Have a wonderful wonderful rest of the weekend!!
Happy birthday, Hannah!
You must be so proud of her, she seems like an awesome girl! 🙂
Must have a senior picture for our wall!
Enjoy the day
Happy Birthday Hannah!! I love you so much!! Aunt Jenn
Have a fantastic day!!!
She is lovely! She certainly looks like her Mama! Happy birthday, Hannah!
Happy Birthday Hanna. !8 is special.
If you need cookware, I am having a giveaway. Stop by.
Happy Birthday, Hannah. Such a pretty girl. I am so naive…I did not know that one has to be 18 to purchase aerosol whip cream!
Awwwwwwww, such a proud mama!! This is so sweet. Happy Birthday Hannah!! Have a wonderful day!!!!!!!! 🙂
Awww, this post is awesome! Happy Birthday Hannah, enjoy your birthday to the fullest!!
Happy Birthday Hannah! You have done a great job biz 🙂
Awww, this is such a beautiful post! Happy Birthday, Miss Hannah!!! Hope turning 18 is EVERYTHING you dreamed it would be and more!!!
What a nice post! I love her reasons to want to be 18! Wish her a happy birthday from your fellow bloggers!
Happy Birthday, Hannah! You are absolutely beautiful! Now, can you give my girls some guidance on putting their stuff back ?!! 🙂
Congrats, Biz on raising such a wonderful girl!
What a lovely post!! I LOVE the pics of your daughter!!! She’s gorgeous!
Happy Birthday Hannah!
Awww, happy Birthday Hannah! How exciting. What a great time in her life. So much to do and so much to look back on. You must be so proud.
oh Biz! she looks just like you 🙂 I hope you guys have an awesome day of celebrating with your amazzing food!
Take care!
Awwww, I loved your post. Thank you for sharing. What a very special day. Happy 18, Hannah!!! Throws confetti!
drinking age in Virgin Islands is 18
And NOTHING good happens after midnight… I was in my 30’s before I discovered that…
Oh, and speaking as a Pisces myself (my B-day is the 8th), there are more Pisces in mental institutions than any other astrological sign
Ha! My birthday is on the 19th – good to know! 😀
Nice post Biz. I especially liked the smoothie story.
Happy Birthday Hannah!