Wow, thanks for all of your comments on my last post!! I have the best cheerleaders! 😀
What made yesterday a great day? I brought these for my desk!

And it was a re-run for breakfast!
I realized that I never showed you what the inside of the roll looks like! Yesterday I shredded 5 ounces of zucchini, squeezed it dry and added it to my egg whites. Its Wisconsin American cheese on top! 😀

And it was birthday treat day yesterday at my office. While I was eyeing the chocolate chip muffin, I grabbed some fruit:
Fresh fruit just makes me think of summer for some reason! But it is definitely still winter here. My friend and I walked outside for 45 minutes yesterday – we have to walk through this snow path to get to the road where we walk:
There are a few hills too:
It was close to 40 degrees – I almost took my jacket off at the end of the walk because I was hot! Now I am just waiting for all the snow to melt! 😀
I had shrimp stir-fry for lunch. I used 1/2 a package of yaki soba noodles (only 75 calories and 15 carbs) and tossed that with 3 ounces of shrimp, 3 ounces of broccoli, 3 ounces of broccoli slaw, and 2 tablespoons House of Tsang schezchwan sauce – delicious!

But around 4:00 I was STARVING! I looked in my desk drawer, and ate about 1 ounce of Sophia’s granola – that hit the spot!
Can I say how much I love leaving work when it is still light out??!!
Hannah and I had our final meeting about the German Exchange program last night – our student will arrive in one month!! We pick her up at the airport on March 18 – have a welcome dinner on my birthday – March 19! She’ll be with us for 3 weeks. She sent Hannah and email that said “tell your Mum I don’t expect a hot meal every night.” She has no idea what she is in store for!
So dinner was quick – last summer I made gyros burgers and they turned out really good! While I missed the flavor of the grill, these were still good. The only thing I did differently was add a teaspoon of this:
I have no idea what’s in it, because the ingredient list says “spices.” Thanks!

I had the deep fryer on the counter (I must put that away!) so I hand cut some potatoes and had fries on the side – mine weighed in at 1.5 ounces – on caloriecount I just enter them as 1.5 of McDonald’s fries.
My burger: 3 ounces of beef, 1 arnold thin, cucumber on the bottom and 1 tablespoon of tzatziki sauce.
Before our meeting, Hannah and I went to 7-11 to cash in my lotto winnings and pick up some coffee. I found a new International Delight flavor – love it!

And it was a magazine day yesterday!!!
I am especially interested in reading this article though!
Stats for Thursday: 45 minute walk at lunch

So today is meatless Friday – my husband celebrates lent. On the menu tonight? Shrimp pizza with garlic chips! (mine will have pepperoni!) 😀
Do you celebrate lent? What are your meatless dishes??
i am so excited for your german exchange student to eat all your fabulous meals. she is going to go home after three weeks one happy camper. you are going to give her such a good impression of american eats!!!!!!!!!!!
What great looking – and I am sure tasting – food you had!! And also a beautiful day to take a walk. Thanks for the photos.
i love the shredded zucchini in that sandwich, i’ve been wanting to find a way to incorporate veggies into breakfast. good girl on your A! i need to start really tracking how i’m doing too because i’m a cheater!
Your breakfast sandwich looks so good! So does that shrimp stir fry *drooooooooool*
I haven’t celebrated Lent since I was a kid. But even then, my parents weren’t strict about it lol. We were lazy Catholics. 🙂
All of your meals look amazing! Especially the insides of that sammie! Nice work persevering through the snow!
magazine day here too…can’t wait to lounge on the bed and read them
So I am here chewing gum and boom I see a pic of that stir fry and totally bite my tongue! lol that looks sooooo good!!!!!
Wow, it sure was a great food day! Love all your photos.
I’ve given things up for lent in years past and did pretty well with it, but just don’t feel like any kind of restriction would be good for me right now. Maybe next year? 😉
That roll looks amazing!! Yummy!! Happy Friday, Biz!! Makin pizza tonight??!! 🙂
Hell’s yeah!
I don’t celebrate Lent, but I unconsciously have a lot of meatless dishes, such as grilled cheese sandwiches, or a mega-bowl of oatmeal with tons of nuts.
LOVING the look of that fat roll! Do you keep the bread you scoop out for other purposes, like bread crumbs?
I actually gave the bread to the dog! 😀
BEAUTIFUL roses…what a sweet husband you have 🙂
– Beth @
The inside of your egg sammy looks delicious! So does the shrimp stir fry for lunch!
Not sure Lent is something you “celebrate” 😉 hehe but I know what you mean. We aren’t meatless, but try to eat “simple” meals on Fridays, since that was the original theory behind meat-free. Now ppl take it to mean eat lobster! haha uhh..
That article on homemade pizza looks interesting! You’ll have to let us know if there’s anything surprising about the stats or anything!
Beautiful flowers! They made me smile when I opened your blog! Your egg sandwich looks delicious!
What pretty roses! My favorite Lent dish is fish or pasta!
I love the carmel machiato coffe flavor thing! That looks great. And why does the shish kabob seasonings say “Spices!” you know there are spices in it. To me it mostly looks like salt and pepper and dried garlic?
Yeah pizza night tonight! Me too!
Looking at these pictures, you totally deserved your A for yesterday Biz. Plus a walk? Excellent. That student probably won’t want to go home after staying with you, I know I wouldn’t!
Boy, that big sandwich sure does look delicious! It’s making me hungry for lunch! 🙂
Hello FANTASTIC day! I think I LOVED everything about this post from the flowers, to the snow to the amazing egg sandwich and yaki soba stir fry. I LOVE those noodles and haven’t bought them in awhile.
Great job at picking fruit during the birthday celebration!
The shrimp and noodles look so good. I wish I could eat that right now. Those are very beautiful flowers you got, lucky you!
The breakfast roll looks so yummy and the shrimp stir fry is terrific!
You did excellent on cutting back your carbs – as I was reading this post I kept thinking you were going to be way over, but you did wonderful!!! And still kept your eats very “Biz-like” – lol!
We had a couple of Japanese-exchange students when I was in high school…it was a lot of fun. Your German girl is going to LOVE your cooking!
I can’t believe you have to slog through that snow to get started on your walk – you are a stronger woman than I, Biz!
We don’t do lent, but then again, we don’t do meat every day, anyway, so it probably wouldn’t bother us if we did.
I do celebrate Lent – today I’m having veggie lasagna, and for dinner a wrap with avocado and hummus! Back in the day I used to stock up on fish sticks, though. 🙂
Your flowers look beautiful… and all of your eats made my really hungry! Great job on your first day of lowering carbs
Excellent food day! That shrimp stir fry looks fabulous. I’ve been on the prowl for the new issues of Cooking Light & Eating Well but they’re not on newsstands here yet, nor has my subscription kicked in.
An A day-yipee for you! The shrimp stir fry looks awesome. That German exchange student has no idea what a treat in the food department that she is in for!!!! Can I be an exchange student so I can eat at your house for a few weeks?!