I may have just discovered my brand new favorite breakfast!  After my first two weeks of Phase I of South Beach, I’ve lost three pounds.  So I am 161.  I attribute that to a few things:

  1. I didn’t exercise enough
  2. I drank beer and wine (a no no!)
  3. While my calorie intake was low, my percentage of fat was high

So I decided that I would try to use lower fat recipes that just happen to be lower in carbs – so on the drive to Milwaukee yesterday I sifted through on of my Weight Watchers menus and found this recipe – I tweaked it a bit – it called for shredded wheat instead of the granola, but I used what I had on hand.

  • One apple, cored and baked for 20 minutes at 350 degrees
  • .25 ounce chopped walnut
  • .5 ounce pumpkin flax seed granola
  • 1 ounce cheddar cheese



This was sweet, crunchy, salty – all the best combinations in my book!! 

  • 302 calories
  • 16 fat
  • 10 protein
  • 30 carbs
  • 5.3 fiber

It will be interesting to see how long this lasts me!  Work is going to be very busy for me the next two weeks, oh well, the days go by fast then!  Come on back for Chinese Chicken Slaw with Toasted Black Sesame Seeds!