I had just a bit of asparagus and crab, really not enough to do much with, so I decided to make a crustless quiche in my small cast iron skillet.

Crab and Asparagus Quiche

  • 1.4 ounces asparagus
  • 2.75 ounces crab
  • 1.35 ounces real bacon bits
  • .85 chopped baby spinach
  • 2 ounces cheddar cheese
  • 1.5 cups liquid egg  whites (I am all out now! 🙁 )

I just mixed everything together and baked at 375 for 30 minutes.

all mixed, ready to go in the oven
all mixed, ready to go in the oven
out of the oven - nice and cheesy!
out of the oven - nice and cheesy!
1/2 of the recipe comes in at 293 calories, 13 fat, 38 protein, 1.7 carbs and .8 fiber!
1/2 of the recipe comes in at 293 calories, 13 fat, 38 protein, 1.7 carbs and .8 fiber!

My friend Renee bought this bread for me to try – it is really flavorful!

the whole loaf is only 8 servings!
the whole loaf is only 8 servings!
it has a slightly sweet flavor - with 1/2 tablespoon smart balance light
it has a slightly sweet flavor - with 1/2 tablespoon smart balance light

All together breakfast comes in at 446 calories, 18 fat, 43 protein, 26 carbs and 3.8 fiber.  I plan on making the artisan bread tomorrow for my party pizza Friday, and I think I’ll save a portion of the dough to make a quinoa bread.

I expect today to be not as busy as yesterday – steady busy is good!  Morning break is over – lunch is a re-run of yesterday – quinoa spaghetti squash lasagna!  See you then.