I was running late this morning so McDonald’s came to the rescue! I ended up getting the breakfast burrito and the fruit and walnut salad. All together breakfast comes in at 510 calories, 24 fat and 57 carbs – not too bad!

If you did not watch Biggest Loser last night, go here for a great recap, Tom always does a great job with that.
What did you think of last nights show?? Morning break is over – come back at lunch for spaghetti/spaghetti squash/quinoa casserole!
Hope the rest of your day wasn’t too busy!!
Salad is code for egg Mcmuffin.
Last night’s show went basically the way I thought it would. I keep hoping that Helen would get the boot (I think she sold her daughter down the river and that irks me) but no she stays ust to spite me I think!
I don’t really care for Ron, BUT he does put his son first and I know I would do the same in his situation. I just love Mike and my girl Tara!
Thanks for your kind comment on my blog, Biz
Fruit and nuts are a great combo!
I just had that fruit salad for the first time on our road trip 2 weekends ago! Not bad! And, I agree – the candied walnuts were the best.
I haven’t been to McDonalds in so long I never knew about the fruit salad what a great option!
great job at McD’s! I do like that they have a few healthier choices.
HeY Biz, Thanks for the link love.
About last night’s show: It’s all about the money now. They know that there’s been a remarkable transformation, but everyone is now focused on the grand prize. This is the one part of TBL that I have issue with. Just 4 months earlier, this group was wasting their life away as grossly obese and little self worth. Now, they look past the goal of being healthy again and look just at the cash.
Ron, who i initially liked really fixed this entire group with promises of who should stay and who should go. They had a chance a few weeks ago to dump him and those that voted to let him stay are all gone now.