Only 15 days more! I also bought Jillian’s Fat Blast Metabolism (not sure what its exactly called) on Amazon today for $10.00 – its 40 minutes long – I’ve heard she’s got 60 minute DVD’s out, but not sure I’ll ever be ready for that!
So my lunch was Plan B! My red pepper soup was in fact pasta sauce! As soon as I defrosted it and smelled it, I knew it wasn’t soup! I told my co-worker this morning that my mystery soup may be spaghetti sauce and when she shopped at lunch today, she bought me this and it was sitting on my desk after my workout!

So Plan B was 1 cup of my leftover Easter mac n cheese:

Speaking of Tabasco sauce – I am almost out of my office stash!!!

And I loved my salad combo – baby spinach, 1/2 ounce chopped walnuts, 1/2 diced tangerine and 1 tablespoon balsamic dressing – and lots of pepper!

Since I didn’t plan this weeks menu due to Easter (which is driving me nuts by the way!) I called Tony this morning and thought maybe I could pick up ribs or sushi for dinner on the way home? His first comment was “how can you even think of dinner this early in the day??” Because that’s what I do when I haven’t planned the menu! 😀
But then I remembered that I haven’t done by BSI recipe yet this week, Krista picked lemons! I decided to make a savory dish, so come back tonight for Greek-style Garlic Lemon Potatoes, Gyros and Cucumber Sauce! I also will talk about Biggest Loser tonight – that was such a tear jerker!!
That salad has my mouth watering.
Oh yum! Gyros!!!!
YAAAY on 15 days!
Oh goodness – I’m glad to hear you’ll be stocking up!! That would be a scary situation, indeed!!
That pasta is fantastic, I use it all the time! Great plan B lunch 🙂
Congrats on 15 days of shredding with Jillian! 🙂 Way to go!!!
I just ran out of Tabasco today 🙁
My Tabasco sister is out too??!! Oh no! 🙁
Oh wow, great job Biz!!!!
And mmm lunch looks great!