I can’t believe you are already 17! Seems just like yesterday that you would put on dress clothes and put everything you could find in the house and put them in all of your purses and carry them around the house! The birthday parties we had where you had a fashion show – and for your 8th birthday when we woke all your friends up house by house and had them come over for breakfast in their pajamas!
I thank God every day for you being in my life and making my life so great! You are a warm, caring, smart, independent young woman and I can’t wait to see where life takes you!
For those of you who may have missed it, this was Hannah’s big birthday present – we gave it to her three weeks ago today!
And I tried to put together a slide show, but I am not that technical. I probably have about a MILLION pictures of Hannah, but I thought I would share a few of my favorites!

So you can imagine how hard it was to pick out pictures to share! I am going to be making her Banana Milk Chocolate Chip Pancakes for breakfast. Then we are planning on going to our local thrift store, checking out a church rummage sale, a couple of garage sales, hitting the batting cages, going to a Japanese grocery store on the hunt for Green Tea Mousse, and then meeting Joe for dinner at a Chinese restaurant!
Please leave Hannah a birthday comment if you can! Not sure when I’ll be back today – hope everyone has a great day!
Has it been 17 years already? It’s well past your birthday, and I hope this holiday finds you and your family happy and well. Was looking for a phone number through the white pages and got this brilliant idea to see if you were online.
All the best, dear one! You were the joy of my existence for six great years!
Love, Kathy (and Ian, who says ‘Hi!’ too)!
It is wonderful to see the pictures.
Thanks for sharing
I know I’m coming in late to the party. Tried calling twice Saturday, but you were obviously out and about. Sounds like you had a great day. Best wishes. We’ll get the present out before you’re 18. Promise!
Thank you so much for the incredibly sweet comments, you made my birthday that much better 😀
You’re all so nice and generous, thank you!!!!
Mom- thanks for all the sweet things you said, I love you. And I couldn’t have become who I am today without you, so thank you!!! You’re the best mom anyone could ever ask for, I hope you never forget that.
love always
Happy Belated Birthday, Hannah!
Love looking through the family album 😉
Happy Birthday Hannah! Enjoy your special day!
What a great post – Happy Birthday Hannah!
Happy Birthday Hannah! you are so blessed to have such a sweet loving mother =)
Happy Birthday Hannah!
Happy Birthday, Hannah!!! What a beautiful girl! Congrats on your new car!!!!
happy birthday hannah!!!!
Happy birthday Hannah!! You have the sweetest parents!!
We love the pictures! Enjoy the rest of the day.
Grandmee and Grandpa
I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU ARE 17!!!! That’s crazy. It seems like not so long ago, your Mom and I wrestled to get those tiny clothes on.
I am so proud of you!! You are AWESOME!!!
Love you! Aunt Jennifer
I love the pictures. The one of you in the dress up pink dress, Claire still dresses up in that!
Such a sweet tribute to your daughter! You are a wonderful Mom Biz!!
Happy Birthday Hannah!
Happy Birthday, Hannah! Hope you have a wonderful day and lots of fun being 17!!! You deserve it!
happy birthday!!!
Happy Birthday Hannah 😀
HAPPYYY BIRTHDAY HANNAH!!!!!!!!!!!! ha i feel like i know her through all your posts about her- and her Type A organizational kitchen skills..love it hannah!!! 😀 You guys are a great pair, and I was a bridesmaid in my momma’s wedding too, so fun!
Aww – Happy Birthday Hannah!
Those pictures are just too precious – I love the pic of you and her – so sweet!
Those pictures are too cute! Happy Birthday Hannah!
Happy Birthday to Hannah 🙂
Send her our birthday wishes!!!!!!
Oh wow, I love the pictures!!!!
Happy Birthday Hannah!
I love how shocked she is in the video!
Happy Saturday
Happy Birthday Hannah! Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow! Love, Nana
PS. Zum Geburtstag viel gluck
Zum Geburtstag viel gluck
Zum Geburtstag liebe Hannah
Zum Geburtstag viel gluck
AW!! Happy Birthdat Hannah!! Loved the photos!
Thanks for the recap! HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANNAH 😀
HAPPY BIRTHDAY HANNAH!!!!!!!! Have an amazing day!!! 17 is so much fun 🙂
happy birthday hannah!!! hope you have a fabulous day 🙂
Love all the pics! Happy birthday Hannah!
happy birthday Hannah~~~ You’re so cute and so lovely!
enjoy your amazing B-day gift! 😀
Happy Birthday, Hannah! I hope you find time today to also hold tiny dogs. 🙂
Cassie & Erin
aawww…those pictures are so adorable!
happy birthday hannah!! what a sweet post 🙂 have a great day 🙂
Happy Birthday Hannah!
I loved this whole post! It’s obvious how much you love her and how great of a girl she is. Congratulations on the new, fun car!
Happy Birthday Hannah! You are such a lovely young woman!
And thanks, Biz, for sharing her childhood with us through the pictures…love her sleeping with the baby doll!
Hope you have a wonderful day today, Hannah!