Not only is stirfry quick and easy, its a great way to get rid of the veggies in your fridge at the end of the week! I love the pan my office has that I use – the lid has a little hole in to vent and I like that its glass and I don’t have to lift the lid!

Then I lift the lid, give it a quick flip add my sauce and in 2 more minutes I am done – I like my veggies a bit crunchy!
Today’s Stirfry included:
- 3 ounces leftover green beans from our chinese take out Wednesday
- 1/2 cup cooked white rice leftover from chinese take out
- 3 ounces diced zucchini
- 3 ounces diced carrots
- 3 ounces red, yellow and green pepper
- 2 ounces broccoli slaw
- 3 ounce diced firm tofu
- 2 tablespoons Wonnie’s Hot & Spicy BBQ stirfry sauce

So it’s party Pizza Friday tonight, but it will be a later than usual post. A girl that Hannah played softball with when she was younger committed suicide a couple weeks ago. I won’t go into details, but she was on life support and they took her off of the breathing machine last Saturday and she didn’t make it. She was only 16! Hannah and I are going to pay our respects to her parents at the wake tonight.
So go hug your kids if you have them! Or go hug your parents! Or go hug your spouse! You never know how long you’ll have with them.
Also, my friend blog Meghann is raising money for a marathon she signed up for. She is young, energetic, and on her way to becoming a running diva!
No donation is too small – you can check her page here:
See you later tonight . . . I have a couple people trying out my no rise pizza dough recipe tonight (recipe is on the right hand side bar) – looking forward to seeing how it works out for them!
I am so sorry to hear that news, it gave me the chills. I’m very, very sorry.
And the stir fry is beautiful!
That stir fry looks amazing!!
I’m sorry to be about Hannah’s friend, so sad …
I love stir fry, it’s such a perfect, healthy meal!
Stir fry is a great way to get rid of all those random leftover veggies, and it always tastes good.
Your stirfry is 100% divine 🙂
I’m so sorry to hear about Hannah’s friend – my thoughts are with you guys!
Thanks for the shout out! 🙂
Your stir fry looks amazing!
mmm Your stirfry looks delicious!!!! I love making them…except I hate the pan-washing aspect of it. hehhe.
Thanks for that post on the DD eggwhite sandwich. I’ve ALWAYS wanted to try it, but was too chicken to spend money on something that might not be as awesome as it looks. 🙂 Now i know! (Plus the list of ingredients was positively frightening.)
I’m a stir-fry freak and this definitely makes the cut! YUM!!!
I was already planning on making stir fry tonight with some of the delicious new sauces i have. But, not I’m watering at the mouth. Guess it’s lunch time.
Old Veggies: I use to toss them, and so I even stopped buying them. Now as soon as i see sign of getting old i toss them in a stir fry, meat loaf, or omelet…depending on what they are =)
hubby and I love stir fry…….still trying to get the kids on board with all the veggies 😉
Life is short! Hug the ones you love like today is your last day……I live by this!
i’m so sorry to hear about Hannah’s friend. that is so sad. I hope Hannah is doing allright!
Oh wow, that is so sad to hear about Hannah’s friend. You’re totally right! Cherish each and every moment regardless!
Mmmmm…stirfry. Gotta love it!
that stir fry looks fantastic. sorry to hear about hannah’s friend, hope she is doing ok…
oh my, that’s so sad. i’ve never known anyone who took their own life,… and then to be on life support and taken off of it… tears. we’ve got to hold on to the ones we love.
elliot makes a stirfry almost every night of the week. i think it’s the sauces he adds to it (evoo, soy sauce, stirfry sauce) that makes it sooooooooooo tasty, we both eat a huge bowl of veggies! we also add egg to it. one time we added fish. mmmmmmmmmmmm.