of my lunch today. I took 3 ounces of shrimp and 3 ounces of pasta from Tony’s dinner last night and mixed them with mixed stirfry veggies and the last tablespoon of szechwan sauce and peanut sauce. Yum! His response: “you are ruining the subtle flavors I so lovingly prepared!”

Biggest Loser Update:
I hate Vicky! She is so mean spirited – I am so glad Amy C. changed her mind and voted Brady off. I must have missed the previews of next weeks show, but apparently she gets into Amy’s face about voting her husband off.
I was glad to see everyone whose been voted off come back – even the couple that was the first to go are still going strong!
I on the other hand have forgotten to pack my workout clothes three days in a row! I always think of it when I walk the dog and then as soon as my foot enters the door it goes completely out of my head.
Lunch break is almost over – see you at dinner!
Oh wow that looks like my dinner last night!
i can’t stand vicky either – she is way TOOOOOOOO mean!!!!!!!!!
i think everyone in america is irritated w/ her 🙂
Mmmm shrimp! I should definitely pick some up from the grocery store! Looks delicious!
Everyone’s a critic. Especially the one who makes it =). We haven’t had TV in a long time. The last time I was watching Biggest Loser me and my hubby realized we weren’t working out at all, and started to exercise during the show every night. They were replay’s of a previous season. Once that was over we started to train for a 5k. Anywho….that show motivates me, even thou It could do with a little less drama, but hey it’s TV.
I hate vicky TOO!!! I hope they vote her off next week!!
Hahaha – Looks good to me! I love shrimp. I think I said that already 😀
Now I’m hungry for lunch… 1.5 more hours!