I swear, sometimes if my head wasn’t already stuck on the top of my head, I’d forget to bring it with me!  I forgot to pick a winner from last weeks giveaway!

My manners are awful. 😀   So the winner of the Do Life Visor goes to:

True Random Number GeneratorMin: 0 Max:  25 Result: 24

24.  Brianne @ Cupcakes & Kale Chips onMay 18, 2012 at 3:21 am said:Edit

Your burrito sounds so good, though I prefer eggs for dinner. I may have to give this a try.

Congrats Brianne!  Send me an email at mybizzykitchen@gmail.com with your mailing address. Open-mouthed smile

This is going to be a super quick post – I leave in 10 minutes to meet a personal trainer!  Erica had the bright idea that my gym might have a free initial evaluation, and they do! Open-mouthed smile

I went to the fitness center before work yesterday – did the same routine as Tuesday, except this time I did each machine 3 reps of 15.  It took me 45 minutes to get through them all.

I forgot my camera so my breakfast and lunch pics are courtesy of my smart phone.  Breakfast was a breakfast burrito – 2 tablespoons refried beans, 1 flour tortilla, 1 egg with spinach and a piece of bacon with fuji apples on the side.

brakfast taco

I have this blog to thank for my lunch – so good!  I had leftover steak and wasn’t sure what to do with it – this thai steak salad is delicious – they only thing I added to the sauce was some sriracha.  I also used shirataki tofu noodles.  I thought it would be weird eating those cold, but it was delicious!  That’s how Mary’s version turned out.

thai salad food

This was my version:

thai salad

It was light and refreshing.  I also did a 50 minute walk/run before lunch – it was hot out – near 90, but luckily it was breezy.  Just wish my face didn’t get so red!

super sweaty

I know, the wallpaper in my office bathroom is still super creepy.

Dinner was quick – Tony and I split a steak, I made mashed potatoes and grilled up some zucchini.  I love grilled zucchini – I like it when it’s still a bit crunchy on the sides but soft in the middle.  Kinda like me. Open-mouthed smile

steak 006

Does anyone else have today off?  I am running late – I’ll post an inspirational video later on today – make it a great day!